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Has anyone experienced lingering effects after taking amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and Allegra D? If so what were the lingering effects and how long did you experience them?

Littl'EfootE replied: "Yeah The Effects Were Terrible And They Lasted For About 8 Days It Really Sucked Cock"

can you crush amoxicillin clavulanic? the pills are to big dfor me to take, can i crush these with food?

smsears0574 replied: "Yes, to be sure though, there would be a label on the bottle stating do not crush take whole."

Amoxicillin & Clavulanic Acid? for what kind of illness?

tonigon replied: "I think these are antibiotics which are prescribed for infections. Get well soon."

Sean F replied: "Amoxicillin is a penicillin derivative, and clavulanic acid isn't exactly an antibiotic: it inhibits "beta-lactamase" (which the bacteria makes, and uses to break down the penicillin/amoxicillin). Anyway, the combination of these two substances make for an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. The commonest trade name for this combination is "Augmentin". It is used against gram positives and anaerobic infections. Augmentin is used for a variety of infections, such as: - respiratory tract infections: pneumonia, sinusitis - middle ear infections - dental or gum infections - bladder infections - skin infections, ulcers, etc - certain sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhoea or syphilis (in some stages) - pelvic inflammatory disease - intra-abdominal infections - "who knows" infections If an infection is really serious, it will be better treated by intravenous antibiotics than by Augmentin, in most cases. Note that several organisms are becoming resistant to penicillins including Augmentin."

Med Student replied: "Bacterial Infections. Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid is a good combination for eradication of bacterial growth. You should be all better in 5 to 6 days! :)"

Dental work, and Amoxicillin? I have to have 2 teeth extracted on Nov.26th, my prescription fro Amoxicillin & Clavulanic Acid is good for 10 days, and to be taken 3 times a day. I have asked this question from the Pharmacy as well as the dental secretary but I get different answers. Should I wait till Monday Nov.16th (dental secretary) to start taking this Anti-biotic, or can I start taking the medicine now, as I am in some pain, with some hearing loss. Any help considering this matter is much appreciated. I have been told that this Anti-biotic remains in my system for a least 2 weeks after taking the prescribed period. Thank you, I will start taking right away

grandpa walleye replied: "You can start taking it right away and you will still have a blood level and it will be effective for your appointment."


5 weeks pregnant - is it safe to take antibiotics? Hi there, I am nearly five weeks pregnant. I was wondering, is it safe to take antibiotics when you are pregnant? I was prescribed them before I found out I was pregnant. They are called 'augmentin'. They are co-amoxiclav (amoxicillin and clavulanic acid) 375mg tablets - 'take three a day' obviously I will ask my doctor about this - but I can't see her until tomorrow afternoon, and I'm not sure whether to stop taking these in the mean time. Thanks.

Jill replied: "Call your doctor. . . they don't need to see you to answer this question. But generally Augmentin is safe in pregnancy. Not treating the infection would be more of a risk to your pregnancy than taking the Augmentin."

momof2girls replied: "most antibiotics are safe during pregnancy"

mel replied: "I wouldn't take anything without checking with your doctor first,some antibiotics are safe but others aren't so don't risk it until you have spoken to her."

DofZion1998 replied: "While I'm not sure of the answer, I was thinking that maybe you could call a pharmacist or the pharmacist where you got the prescription filled. They should be able to tell you whether or not they're safe to take while pregnant. Just an idea."

mellimac replied: "Yes, I was give antibiotics when I caught a awful flu at 5 weeks, You should be fine. But you should see a doctor before taking anything."

Finally pregnant with baby #1!! replied: "I wouldn't take them until after you see your doc tomorrow"

vet techs/rodent experts-antibiotic/hamster question? i hope the person who answered b4 is still online!my hamster is not running on her wheel 2nite,she is sneezing and i think it is an infection.i have still current cefadroxil and also clavamox(amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid)from my cats.can i give a drop of either of these meds tonite,to help her b4 we see a vet tommoro?thanks sooooo much!

Loves Dogs replied: "Hamsters can be easily over dosed, plus there are some medications that are harmful to them. I wouldn't give the hammie any medication until you talk to the vet tomorrow. Keep her in a warm dry place with clean bedding. What kind of bedding do you have? Some beddings can be harmful to hamsters."

Alissha replied: "DO NOT USE CLAVAMOX! Sorry, had to do the all caps thing. This medication is not safe to use on hamsters and can cause severe health problems. It will kill off the healthy bacteria in their digestive tract leading to further problems. I can't find anything on the cefadroxil, but I would be very wary of it. Don't administer any medications without your vet's permission. Just keep her comfy. Make sure that she stays nice and warm and free from drafts. Make sure she stays eating and drinking. You can try offering her pedialyte to keep her hydrated. Try offering her all of her favourite foods and things like baby food and boost."

UTI while pregnant? I have a slight UTI right now (and I'm 18 weeks pregnant so my doctor perscribed an anti-biotic to clear it up. I'm such a worry wort... but she perscribed me AMOX TR-K CLV (Amoxicillin / Clavulanic) it has warning on it it that say "caution is adviced in pregnany due to certain affects of fetal membrane if used before delivery." That scares me, is it normal that it says that and I shouldnt worry?

Michel Aoun replied: "make a search on yahoo" replied: "All medicine will say that. If your Dr. prescribed it to you, it's safe. I had 2 UTIs while pregnant and I was prescribed the same thing. :)"

Claire O replied: "Did your doc say it was safe for you to use? I'd be worried too. I had a slight UTI and the antibiotics I was given didnt have a warning on like that but they did say to seek advice if pregnant, but the doc went out of his way to reassure me that they were safe to take. If your doc did the same then I'd trust him, if your not sure can you get a second opinion?"

third time mommy replied: "I had the same concerns with a different antibiotic they put me on for a UTI i looked it up and it juat said not to take it if you were past 36 weeks"

Sonya replied: "I think there is a risk with almost any medication you take, but usually its minimal. For liability purposes, they have to list anything and everything. If you are feeling unsure about it, research a little on the internet first to see how common it is. If it was your ob that prescribed, then I'd feel more confident as they deal more with pregnancy interactions than your general practicioner. If it was the GP, I'd call and ask the nurse at your ob and get her opinion. And as for having the UTI -- I feel your pain! I'm 14 weeks pregnant and have one as well! I'm allergic to penisulin, so they had to give me something else though. Not sure if thats what they would have prescribed or not."

trish_asley replied: "i am 5 months pregnant i have the same but im still fine."

cutiefy replied: "Try to loOK for another obstetrician doctor. Tell him/her if it's ok to take Amoxicillin/Clavulanic for the pregnant. Having second opinion will make you less worry."

christianchildbirth replied: "You are right to worry. You can ask her if there is any other medication that is safer, however all medications may have some kind of effect. Some women use pure, non-sweetened cranberry juice for minor UTI's and it works wonderfully. There is something in cranberry juice that coats the bladder so that the germs are unable to adhere to the side and are flushed out with your many glasses of water that they are drinking in combination with the cranberry juice."

lilith replied: ""before delivery", sounds like it's ok, if your only 18 weeks. If you really feel bothered by it, u can always ask another doctor. The natural way to get rid of uti's are those cranberry pills, they work great. + lots of water. If you let a uti go on to long it can lead to worse problems for you. (About a week or so I'd say cranberry pills, 2 weeks do what u think is best, longer than that, antibiotics) --Just my opinion"

jazzybaby020106 replied: "im sure the doctor knows what he is talking about.. just like they say not to have an MRI while pregnant.. and i had one this pregnancy!! i had to and everything is fine!!"

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