: ) replied: "Do you have any idea how difficult acne scars are to treat. Some people spend thousands to see little to no results. It doesn't matter how much money you have, some things can't be easily fixed.
I'm no Brad Pitt fan but I do feel that his acne scars only add to his allure and sex appeal."
2006 Skinnies Awards: Dermatology Duo, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie
Pitt also fights a common battle against acne scars. Brad Pitt's the bad boy of Troy. ... Pitt's potential weak spot, cheeky acne scars, have not lessened his ...
Brad Pitt has Acne Scars - Acne.org Message Boards
Brad Pitt has Acne Scars : Especially with HD today, his acne scars are clearly ... Brad Pitt has Acne Scars. goodbyebadskin. Apr 28 2008, 11:02 PM ...
Brad Pitt's Secrets to Acne Scar Treatment Video ? 5min.com
Brad Pitt's Secrets to Acne Scar Treatment - Even Brad Pitt bears scars from his ... Brad Pitt's Secrets to Acne Scar Treatment acne vulgaris blackhead blemishes ...
How do stars like Brad Pitt get rid of their acne scars?
I have seen pictures of Brad Pitt and other actors in films with acne scars. ... I can't believe even Brad Pitt had bad acne scars. ...
Brad Pitt - Acne.org Message Boards
Brad Pitt : Anyone know what Brad Pitt did to fix his scarring? ... don't think Brad Pitt started suffering from scarring or bad acne until his early-mid 20's. ...
YouTube - Acne Scars (Acne #6)
Brad Pitt has acne scars, and they just make him look sexier. ... acne scar dermatologist pimple surgery celebrity blemish cameron diaz brad pitt ...
Acne Scars (Acne #6) - Video
Brad Pitt has acne scars, and they just make him look sexier. ... Acne Scar Dermatologist Pimple Surgery Celebrities Blemish Cameron Diaz Brad ...
Brad Pitt's Pits | beauty, skincare, acne | Girl-Woman-Beauty ...
Brad Pitt has significant acne scarring and also could benefit from skin tightening. ... acne, celebrities, Fraxel, wrinkles, Brad Pitt, Fraxel FX, scarring ...
Are people with Acne Scars attractive?? Brad Pitt, Edward ...
I know Hollywood is obsessed with looks but even Brad Pitt and Edward James Olmos managed to MAKE IT WITH THEIR ACNE SCARS. ...
All About Acne Scars
Even Brad Pitt bears scars from his teenage acne! ... Subjects: Brad Pitt's Secrets to Acne Scar Treatment, acne vulgaris, blackhead, ...