Double Strength Bactrim Resource
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Double Strength Bactrim Resource in Answers
I was on Bactrim for 2 months I think it was the double strength one? Could the withdrawal from bactrim be giving me anxiety and panic attacks? EDITT: I went on the website and it said it can cause panic attacks, nervousness, tightness of chest and difficulty breathing. I took it 2 months double strength for acne. theres also plenty of people who said that it interefered with them breathing I went to the er when i didnt know what was going on and they said there was nothing wrong with me at all. the cardiologist also said the same thing. on the bactrim website it says there is a chance of getting heaviness in chest, trouble breathing, racing heart, anxiety and panick attacks. tons of people have like said it cud causse these symptoms on message boards.

Nurse Practitioner 32 years replied: "Not likely. These sound like new symptoms. I suggest you see your health care provider."

louvre replied: "umm no bactrim is an antibiotic"

celiac replied: "2 months on bactrim is too long being on antibiotics...You should consult your doctor..."

I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, and I was prescribed Bactrim. Any side effects with this drug The prescription is Bactrim Double Strength twice a day for 3 days. I am scared to take medication, I don't even take aspirin for a headache, so I was just wondering if this drug has alot of side effects.

Tiamat replied: "Yes, there are side effects, some serious, though most people are fine with this drug. Like everything, though, it is good to be watchful and immediately report anything weird to your doc. "

bebenceto replied: "i don't know. for mine i had to drink a lot of cranberry juice"

buffoon replied: "Try "Drug Digest" on the internet."

irishfox2 replied: "I am not a doc and this is not medical advice. Now that that info is out there, I'll tell ya what I did. I had a UTI recently also and I went to Walmart... bought Super Concentrated Cranberry fruit 1680 mg plus vitamin C in the vitamin section of course. The UTI was gone in 3 days. I took 3 capsules 3 times a day.. normal dose is about 2 caps 3 times a day....symptoms subsided the first day, even better the second, gone the 3rd. It's a natural cure. I hope you feel better soon. :) Oh and if you are prone to these infections like many others, you can take cranberry regularly to prevent them too. You can also drink cranapple juice. It really does work."

jasomsaso replied: "Common side effects are: Increased sun sensitivity. Rashes. Upset stomach. Rare but serious side effects include destruction of red blood cells and severe skin rashes."

Bactrim Nasty Side Effects or Something Else/Help? hi all. hope you can help me. i'm a pretty healthy 17 year old female, i'm not sexually active and i don't suffer from any chronic conditions (diabetes, etc.). all the doctors say i'm really healthy. i DO however, suffer from anxiety and heart palpitations BECAUSE of my anxiety. but i have been feeling REALLY REALLY sick ever since i started taking this medication called Bactrim DS for a UTI. here's my story: about 2 days ago, i went to go see my doctor cause i had symptoms of a UTI (urinary tract infection), and at the time i was still sick from this nasty virus going around in my school, but i was feeling better. she prescribed bactrim DS (double strength) for me, but without telling me the acual results of the urinalysis, so i just took it. i figured, she's the doctor, she knows what's best. but the first night i took the medicine, i felt sick to my stomach within the next hour or two. i also have this extremely horrible, disgusting sick feeling, which i can't even describe. it's absolutely dreadful. i just feel so gross and nauseous all the time. i suspected it was my medicine, so i called the doc and told her, and she said to stop taking the medication. plus i found out then that i really didn't have a UTI in the first place. however, i did find out that they found something in the PAP smear i had about a month ago. nothing cancerous, just some inflammation. i have to get another one in the summer. my doc said i should feel better in a day or two, if not i should come back and see her. and i have just stopped taking Bactrim today, but i have 2 days worth of that stuff in my system. but i'm scared cause i never felt like this before, and it worries me. it's awful. has this ever happened to anyone else? feeling sick from Bactrim? i'm also worried that it might not be the medicine that's making me sick, but something else. i hope not. should i just give it some time to get better? can anyone help? any thoughs/advice is extremely helpful! <3 thank you so much! did you mean "clostridium difficile"?

Maryn Bittner replied: "I'm not at my home computer (darned backdoor trojan virus!) so I can't copy and paste. It sounds to me like you might be having a c. Dif reaction to the two days of antibiotics, if your feelings of illness are limited to the digestive tract. What happens is the powerful antibiotic kills the good-guy bacteria, allowing the few surviving bad guys to run rampant, among them the c. Differ-something. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, gas, and mucus discharge. If those are your symptoms, call you doctor back and tell her you think you're having a c. Dif reaction. There are treatments which clear it up quickly."

Ian MacArthur replied: "You do *not* have clostridium difficile. It would take much longer for the antibiotic to kill off the good bacteria and cause the symptoms of a C. diff infection (you had your initial symptoms within 1-2 hours). Plus, you would have profuse watery diarrhea. The symptoms could definitely be caused by the Bactrim, since some people can not tolerate sulfa drugs. Now that you have stopped taking the drug, it should pass out of your system pretty quickly. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. If you do not feel better soon, though, let your doctor know."

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