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Is a fatal overdose on ambien possible? I am doing a research paper on ambien and fatal affects of it. Does anybody know how many tabs it takes for it to be fatal? how many cases there have been, stuff like that? what if it is combined with alcohol.... thanks for the help.

BrandonR replied: "Did you even search for it yourself? "

Kassie18 replied: "All you have to do is gogle it and you will see that yes it is very dangerous if you take too much. It all depends on the height and weight of the person and their tolerance level. Also it can be bad if combined with alcohol that is why they tell you on the prescription not to drink alcohol while taking it. This is a very very easy research paper because there is a ton of stuff on the internet about it all you have to do is look."

Can Ambien CR be fatal in an overdose? I know certain sleeping drugs are fatal, but am not sure if more modern medicines like ambien are? any one know? what about an ambien overdose that doesnt result in death, what would those results likely be? Thanks for any info. Im just particular reason.

Cassie T replied: "Well, anything is fatal if you taken enough. Even water. You'd probably have to take quite a lot and mix it with something else to produce a fatal result. It's far more likely that you'd puke and wind up with kidney damage. ...But why on earth do you need to know?"

Pamela replied: "Sounds to me that you are fishing for a way to commit suicide. I take Ambien and also Ambien CR. Ambien CR is a time release tablet to help you fall asleep fast and stay asleep for 8 hrs. Unlike regular Ambien which is designed to just help you fall asleep. If you are thinking of suicide, I beg you to get help somewhere. My fiance has severe depression & is suicidal. Believe me, there is NOTHING on this earth that is sooo bad that you have to kill yourself over it. I've been thru alot of trauma in my life, back to back episodes. I could write a book. I've gotten thru it. It takes time, doesnt happen overnight. Please see your doctor for help in finding a therapist that is right for you. Please don't do something stupid. You're life isnt worth it. You are valuable. Please get help."

If you have a fatal ambien overdose do you feel any pain or do you just fall asleep and never wake up? Do you throw up at all or does it all just knock you out and is it painful or not?

Liz W replied: "I transferred a woman before who overdosed on sleeping pills (I'm not sure if it was ambien or not). However, she did not describe it as a very pleasant experience. I hope you are just asking this out of curiosity. If not, then please seek help. I've transported a lot of attempted-suicide patients, and most wish they had not tried it in hindsight. Find a good counselor and work through your problems. You may believe this wouldn't help, but you might as well give it a try first. What is there to lose?"

Keerayzee replied: "You do not wake up. Ambien depresses your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. If you do not take enough, your body processes most of it before coma or death occurs, your body will be conscious enough to vomit. If you are still asleep, which is likely, you will vomit and choke on it. Alcohol depresses the system even further. It is believed that Anna Nicole and Heath Ledger both died from sleep aid overdose. If someone finds the overdosed person in time, they may be saved using syrup of epicac and gastric lavage.It is painful. The medical staff has to stick a large tube into your stomach and force vomiting. I hope you are NOT researching your own demise. Good luck!"

Fatal Overdose? I wanted to know what OTC drugs are the most fatal if overdosed on. Like which OTC drug will be the most likely to kill you if overdosed. Also will overdosing on sleeping pills, such as lunesta or ambien (sp?) be fatal?

Toadsputum replied: "I don't have a comprehensive list, and I'm not sure why you want to know that, but I do know a grown man that died from taking a bottle of children's chewable tylenol. It turns out that he had a preexisting liver condition and it compromised his liver and he died. So...the mora of the story is I think that it dpends upon the person. It is possible to od on ambien and lunesta."

rosie recipe replied: "Paracetamol is no longer sold in large (cheaper) packs in the UK, because people were ODing on them for suicide. If you really want to do away with yourself, a large volume of cold water, where no one will find and rescue you, does the job."

Nursing Student Ed replied: "if you want to kill yourself, there is no definite drug to use, everyone's body reacts differently to different meds.......what might kill me may cause you to have a massive stroke but live.....can u imagine, u tried to kill yourself, but instead you end up in a body that can't move and can't speak, but your mind is fine? if you MUST kill yourself, pills are not the answer"

Willow replied: "Community guidelines won't allow me to answer this question with a question, so I won't ask the obvious. But it has been addressed in the previous answers. It also says on the answers blog that this is a place where people make suggestions, give advice and share knowledge. So, here's what I have to share with you: Since you have access to lunesta or ambien, I would suggest asking the person that has these sleeping pills this question. If it is the prescriber, then HOPEFULLY you're much deeper problem will be addressed. If the pills are a friends or family members, then HOPEFULLY, they will talk to you about this suicidal idealization. If you go to the store to buy OTC drugs, HOPEFULLY, you will have stopped and thought about your loved ones before making any final decisions. Nothing is put on our plates that we cannot overcome. Please talk to someone."

W W D replied: "OTC drugs are allowed to be sold without prescription only because they're very safe, so there's really no good answer to your question. Lunesta and Ambien fall almost into the same category. The newer sleeping pills are used in place of the old barbituric acid derivatives not because of greater effectiveness but because of improved safety profiles."

peter k replied: "If you read the least likely side effects of the drugs lunesta or ambien then you could easily die taking just one normal dose So you see you cannot be too careful when dealing with Medications,And where you purchase them and following a licensed doctors instructions implicitly"

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