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People say accutane gives you dry lips, if you have lip balm with you constantly is it still bad? Also how often do you apply it to keep it under control, if possible?

Dio M replied: "Doesn't matter, your lips will always be dry. But the medicine really does works."

Dry skin in corners of mouth? Have been on accutane for 4 months, 2 to go. Need non greasy looking lip balm!!! Every time i use chapstick, when it dries i end up having dry flakes of skin in the corners of my mouth. I have been using Aquaphor healing ointment for the 4 months ive been on accutane but it has to much of a greasy look. Any suggestions of long lasting lip moisturizor that is non greasy? ive tried the carmex stick but it does the same thing as regular chapstick. Thank you for your time :) Do you think i should get the stick or the tin can version??

For Sure replied: "Burt's bees lip balm does not cause rebound dryness,. It is excellent for your condition. Drink plenty of water and don't lick your lips! Also adding E.F.A. oils to your diet may help. They keep your skin healthy and moisturized. I believe you are right, your lips are probably just chapped. But if i recall, you are not allowed to take a multi-vitamin while using Accutane? Just make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin C because if you are deficient , that may cause the corners of your mouth to become sore and ed."

Lo replied: "actually, burts bees is drying because it contains menthol. I suggest using vaseline, if you rub it in enough it will moisturize with very little shinyness. it's a great moisturizer for many purposes and it's cheap!"

melissa j replied: "I agree Burts Bees is the best"

rosieC replied: "I use Chloramphenique. It's non-greasy. Ambesol and Abreva are effective also and non-greasy. However, Abreva is expensive; it comes in a very minute tube. There's lot of flavored lip moisturizers from Sephora that comes in tube and also gives color to your lips. It doesn't form flakes. Plus it tastes good. Sticks or tube dispensers are more convenient; hygienic and handy rather than a tin cans or container. For mouth ulcers, there's a new remedy of mixing MOM and cold /allergy liquid in a 50:50 portion and apply with a q-tip. Have you tried Aloe Vera Lip healer? How about Lypsyl Lip Balm? It comes in a stick; and it's non-greasy. There's a lot of Vaseline products now in the market like the Vaseline Lip therapy that are non-greasy. Vaseline is preferred by many for its moisturizing and water-repellant properties. It creates a barrier and prevents the lips from drying; when exposed to dry air. or the saliva. Make sure you practice good oral hygiene. Use mouthwas such as Listerine and Scope to prevent ulcers. In addition, if you want the lip moisturizer to last longer aside from not look too greasy, you can pat on a bit of face powder."

jazmin replied: "At night before you go to bed rub some vaseline in the dry areas .Try that for 4 days and it will heel your lips."

HealthGuard replied: "Dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results. In a more serious skin disease, such as ichthyosis or psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe prescription creams and ointments or other treatments in addition to home care. Dry skin leads to dermatitis, which causes red, itchy skin. In these cases, treatment may include lotions with natural-oil ingredients. If your skin cracks open, your doctor may prescribe wet dressings with mildly astringent properties to contract your skin and reduce secretions and prevent infection. I believe will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin."

I'm losing my lip line due to accutane. What can I do to restore it? I've been on 60mg/day accutane (isotrentinoin) for 5 months now and most side-effects that I've encountered aren't too bad (dry skin etc). But today I noticed my lip line has become very much less distinguishable than it was before the treatment. I read here (Third paragraph under subtitle 'Dry Lips and Skin'), that its called 'actinic cheilitis' and its precancerous! When accutane began, I regularly used the Banana Boat sunscreen lip balm. This didn't taste good so I changed to the original 'Lypsyl', which tasted better. The reason for the actinic cheilitis might be because the Lypsyl isn't a sunscreen. So I've gone back to the Banana Boat sunscreen lip balm hoping for the actinic cheilitis to stop increasing Is the damage permanent? If not, can it heal naturally? or is there anything I can do (that doesn’t involve temporary cover-up or girls’ makeup) that will restore the lip-line?

tatt_bratt replied: "Oh for goodness sakes, you don't have that! Stop reading crap on the Internet and self-diagnosing. You are on Accutane so you have regular follow ups with your doctor. Ask her/him about it and keep using sunscreen - it is the most important thing you can do."

When does the accutane dryness go away after stopping? I stopped accutane about a week ago and was wondering when the dryness goes away. When can I stop my accutane routine and go back to before where I didn't need moisturizers and lip balm?

Nutritionally Fortified replied: " You can get some real answers there. It appears to vary from person to person."

Lucy G replied: "The Accutane stays in your system for up to two months after you stop taking the medication, and so you still may experience dryness during that time period. Don't worry though, the dryness isn't as bad after you stop taking the pills."

Does anyone else use Aquaphore as a lip balm? Since I'm on Accutane, the dermo told me to use it- it works well! It's kinda like Vasaline.

FELINELOVER replied: "I haven't heard of Auquaphore,but I will be asking my dermatologist about it when I see him in September. Thanks for the information,I appreciate it!"

isawjesuspiss replied: "i've never used it, sorry but if it's like vaseline, it must be good! vasiline rox"

cheer girl replied: "NO"

Accutane is making my lips very dry any way to...? I'm taking the acne medicine Accutane and its making my lips very very dry. Does anyone know a way to help them besides lip balm?

essentiallysolo replied: "drink two liters of water daily.... but Burt's Bees lip balm helped my son a great deal while he was taking accutane."

sarah s replied: "Vaseline works wonders ."

Sar replied: "lots and lots of fluids"

hauteskiier replied: "because you are taking Accutane, your skin no longer produces a skin oil called sebum, this also applies to your lips. A good way to moisturize is to buy vaseline or petroleum jelly and leave a thick coat of either of these on your lips for about 2 minutes. Also keep lip balm handy and apply through out the day. this will deeply moisturize your lips. I hope this helps! i hate dry lips too."

On Accutane and in need of a serious lip moisturizer better than the usual drugstore!? I've tried all the usual lip balms, glosses and chapsticks at Walgreens, CVS, etc. with no success. As I'm going home in two weeks to see my boyfriend, I'd really like a smooth, soft set o' lips. lol. Are there any more expensive lip moisturizers online or in upscale stores that really work miracles? I'd appreciate any advice anyone can offer. Thank you!

Trillian replied: "Usually dermatologists carry their own concoction of lip moisturizer that is a more concentrated form of Vitamin E to help moisturize lips while on Accutane. Check with your derma."

tallmochagirl replied: "Neosporin Lip Therapy."

irishgypsy88 replied: "Not too sure if you've tried this brand but, its specifically made for EXTREMELY chapped lips. Carmex (comes in a little round container) works. It cools your lips while moisturizing them. I'd try using that, licking your lips as little as possibly, and reapplying it every time your lips lose that "freshly chapsticked" feeling."

crazy2notsocrazy replied: "Mary Kay as a lip moisturizer that works wonders. It's called Satin Lips. I would suggest the Satin Lips Set with Mask and Balm. You put the Mask on to remove the old, dry, dead skin and then use the balm to keep your lips nice and soft. It really works wonders. Especially in the winter, your boyfriend will Thank me! "

stop the nightmares replied: "i suggest you try herpacin-L - they sell it at most drugstore chains and it is usually around 5 or 6 dollars a tube (it comes in a tube like a lipstick or the solid form of chapstick) and i swear it works wonders!"

stephanie replied: "how bout vaseline or bag balm"

diva2glow replied: "try the lip balms frm they're all natural, smell and feel great!!! only $4 each"

cy replied: "as someone who has been on accutane before, i would also recommend satin lips by mary kay or even just vaseline since it's smooth. just keep putting it on since your lips are so much drier when on accutane. i never found that i had super smooth lips all the time, but as long as i was exfoliating the dry skin off and using vaseline or satin lips i felt pretty good. all the other lips balms are just too sticky."

Dragonfly replied: "Burt's Bees lip balm works great, the Mary Kay Satin Lips is also great - but really pricey. Not licking your lips is the key though. Avon also has great lip moisturizers!"

~Genie~ replied: "most name brand product use octinxate which is a product that softens you lips but at the same time dries them out so you can continue to by that product. The best thing to use is Vaseline. I know it's thick but it does the job overnight. Good luck and sweet smackin'"

iguana replied: "Burt's Bees or straight up vaseline."

pebble replied: "Get some pure lanolin. It is sold with the baby stuff. It is made for breastfeeding mothers but it is more moisturizing than chap stick and one tube will last forever. You should also sluff off the old skin with either an exfoliator or an old toothbrush. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water; getting dehydrated will only make it worse. If you use the Mary Kay kit use EBay to buy it. You can get it for about half price and it does work wonders but it is basically just sluffing off the dead skin followed with intense moisturizers. I get the same results with a tooth brush and lanolin. =-1%26catref%3DC6&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=76462&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp="

KeltWitch replied: "Get Mary Kay's Satin Lips set - it'll cure the issue! Also, do not use a medicated balm - it actually dries your lips more."

MP replied: "Vaseline, the original petroleum jelly (not the cream or lotion)... no kidding, just use as much as you want before going to bed. It works wonders. For the day aveda chapstick is great, it has SPF & makes lips super soft, you get it in aveda spas for $15. My friend went on acutane & this worked great for her."

kerlyran replied: "My son's dermotologist recommended La Roche Posay lip balm when he was on accutane, and it worked well, but was expensive. He found that Nutrogena Lip balm worked very well, also. Carmex and other medicated lip balms are not great when you are on Accutane, they will irritate and will not offer enough moisture. La Roche Posay is available at most spas, and Shopper Drug Mart,in Canada, as well as department stores. My son also used La Roche Posay "HYDRANORME" for face and body while he was on his meds, and his skin never felt too dry or itchy while he used it. It really is worth the investment. "

Lashenova replied: "Do not use chapstick. It causes your lips to become drier. Exfoliate your lips gently with a new toothbrush and warm water to remove dead skin, then immediately apply vaseline or baby oil. Do this every evening. Reapply in the morning and take vaseline or some burts bees with you and reapply every time you remember. You should probably also be using an eye creme for your undereye area as well, accutane is very strong stuff."

onedgeartistry replied: "When I was on it I used Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Protectant Stick SPF 15 (department store). I also used Eucerin Aquaphor Healing Ointment (drugstore). I carried the Elizabeth Arden in my purse and used the Eucerin ointment over night. Good Luck!"

i'm going to start taking Accutane, what should i expect? My doctor prescribed me with Accutane. What will the effects be while taking it. Aside from having chapped lips and dry skin, would it affect my hair too? Wnd what's a good moisturizer and lip balm to use while on the drug

Psy_Chick replied: "all i can tell u is i had a friend who was on it for cystic worked great, but his skin dried up, his hair dried up and seemed to get a little thin (he was a little thin up top anyway) but didnt all fall out, and it made him really irritable ( i dont understand that side effect) it dries up your body's oils, so any sort of emulsion type moisturizer like nivea would help, vaseline or chapstick here is a link from roche:"

Accutane chapped lips? i am starting accutane in a few weeks, and i heard that your lips get really dry during the process. is there any tips/suggestions to prevent this? do you know of any lip balm or chapstick to improve this? thanks so much!

coast_cheryl replied: "My son had a horrible time with sore and chapped lips while taking accutane. The best product he could find (and he used it about 20 times a day) was Burts Bees lip balm. It smelled nice and he said it left his chapped lips feeling cool, and stopped them from peeling. Please force yourself to drink as much liquid as you can while taking the accutane."

Shayna replied: "blistex is the best and drink lots of water"

slipstreamer replied: "A friend of mine went on it and she had problems with chapped lips and the skin coming off when she waxed her eye brows (don't wax while you are on it!) - she used carmex and blistex balms and just reapplied often. It didn't totally work, but it helped."

ghettoballzofiron replied: "Ok, I'm on my second 5 month course, i finish at the end of the month, I've been on the double dose (two pills a day) for 4 months now, and I got to say, man, it eats your face away. You will look normal enough, but you get dry really bad. If you wipe a black cloth on your face lots of skin comes off it's kind of gross, but chap stick definitely helps. Moisturizer should help too, but im too much of a man for that. (hahaha). The medicated chapstick will help infinately, because your lips will crack and hurt if you don't apply chapstick like five times a day at least. ALWAYS HAVE IT WITH YOU!"

slipknot replied: "i used accutane and there isnt a thing in this world thats going to prevent it completely. you can use carmax to help though. good luck with the accutane. it works."

Has anyone else used Vasaline or Aquaphor as lip balm? I like Aquaphor a little better, I've been usuing it since I went on Accutane.

vivii replied: "i have coz it's cheaper but now i don't use it"

Ladies Man replied: "hell yea, vaseline is the best to use on ur lips...thanx for the points"

nico22 replied: "I have used Vaseline before as lip balm."

down2_the_wire replied: "ummmmm yeah is that wrong?"

meemeemee40 replied: "i have an old medication bottle with Vaseline in my purse at all times....i like it better then any lip balm...on the market today!!!!"

Renée replied: "I have vasaline before. It works good."

LadyChristmas replied: "I've used a lot of Vaseline - it's the only way to get the color lipgloss I want (I crush up some powder blush and mix it in). I haven't heard of Aquaphor..."

Kibagami Jubei replied: "yes [Vasaline]"

♥bunny♥ replied: "I use Vaseline whenever I forget my chapstick.. so when I go to the nurse in school, they give me vaseline!.. yep, true story."

blueboyswoman replied: "Haven't heard of Aquaphor..I think everyone has used vaseline..Also try carmex..It's in a yellow jar or tube...Good for everything from chapped lips,rash,cold-sores to gloss.I use it all the time."

Joni B replied: "Vaseline is the only thing I ever use for "chapstick"."

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