Lortab And Liver Damage
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Lortab And Liver Damage in Q&A
What is a pain pill that will not effect liver? I have been on Lortab for 2 years and it's starting to make me throw up, which makes me think I am getting liver damage. Could this be the case? I will be going on my 4th leg surgery.

Chas replied: "I've been taking them for 7 years for a spine injury. Just make sure you don't exceed 4,000 mg. of tylenol. I have my liver functions tested every 6 months and I've never had any problems. People make far too much about the liver damage deal. If it would be damaging your liver your doctor wouldn't give them to you. If your doctor is giving you the 10/500 ask him for 10/325 if you are worried. But if you still worry about it check out the info on percocet at this link or maybe 20mg oxycodone XR twice a day since they last for 12 hours"

Lee G replied: "Lortab is just a brand name for hydrocodone. It has a substantial side effect on the stomach, which is probably why you're throwing up. Liver damage would be showing up in a different way and is unlikely if you are taking no more than the prescribed amount. Each Lortab has 500 mg. of acetaminophen, and the limit for this stuff is 4 grams a day (or 8 pills). Take it with food, never on an empty stomach. Oxycodone is a stronger pain reliever you might qualify to have, and it can be prescribed without the Acet. filler. However, it can also upset the stomach. Also, there are several blood tests that can be given for liver function which would reveal any damage before it gets any more serious. See if they can run a liver screen for you. Ultimately all the pain pills are metabolized in the liver to great degree."

why does lortab make people throw up? I can usually handle it really well, but lately when I take it I've getting really sick. is my liver damaged now or something?

Tammy H replied: "mmmm....have you increased your dosage? almost everybody vomits when taking opiates...until you have a habit, of course...chances are, you haven't damaged yourself--and BTW, it is not the opiate that causes the liver damage...it is the acetaminaphen included in the pill...this is why i would recommend Norco for hydrocodone users...i'm just sayin'...."

CoCo M replied: "Do you take the pill on a full tummy...that might help."

5-Stars replied: "perhaps, your system is rejecting it due to it being build up in your system, and your system is rejecting it, hope the liver is okay"

missbuttons replied: "If you are not taking the meds with food, it's more than likely the hydrocodone that is upsetting your stomach. On an empty stomach, any narcotic can be harsh. The food will help with absorption. As for something stated earlier: Norco has the same ingredients as Lortab, just different strengths of them."

crimsonshedemon replied: "Your liver is damaged from the tylenol in the Lortab not the hydrocodone. Everyone reacts differently to any medication. It's a crap shoot when you first start. I take a lot of medications and my liver function wasn't normal. I'm now taking Milk Thistle daily to help in healing my liver. I take a ton of medications daily and can only hope the Milk Thistle will work. There are several studies showing it does work.... so talk to your doctor. Check Dr Weil's site also. Good luck"

Help Friend with Lortab(Hydrocodone) Addiction? Hi, i have a question my friend dave has been taking lortab for about 6 months, he is addicted and takes about 10-14 lortab 10/500 every single day within a 12-16hr peroid, He says he is going to taper down and quit soon, but i am concerned about what he has done to himself aready. With taking that ammount of the hydrocodon and Aceaphen everyday is his liver going to shut down, he never has symptoms of liver damage but still i am worried, also even though he has a high tolenence to the narcotic could he still od on the hydro, he takes like 3-4 at a time, then waits like 2 hours and takes more. please help answer my questions, also what can i do to help him?, we have been friends for 10 years and i dont want to loose him. thanks

fleur de lis first class MILK replied: "My best friend has suffered so many addictions it ain't funny. I love her and she is now clean and doing great. I hate to advise this but you really need to let Dave hit bottom, then he will probably want help, but until he is willing to commit himself to detox it wont work. He will talk all kinds of game saying he knows he needs to stop , but until he does it its all a game. My best advise tell him you care you want to help but if is too painful to watch. Then keep in touch but don't subject your self to the heart break regularly. I've been friends with Miss since 15 years now."

Anyone have personal experience with Lorcet, Vicodin, Lortab, Etc. Use? Addiction? Curious how long you took it , If it caused any long term effects, If you quit or still take it. I am not the DEA!!!!!! And we are anonymous, so if there are any persons willing to share, great. Also, If you know someone. I don't need the "Canned" answers, such as liver damage and such. Looking for personal experiiences. I have a family member and a friend who both take too much. And I am acquainted with a few others. Mostly younger. Are there neurological effects over the long haul? My family member has been taking 3-4 lorcet a day for 5 years. And muscle relaxants, and Ativan all at the same time, but seems to get on with life. I mean how good can this be? Any insights and thoughts would be appreciated. NOTE I have been on every addiction and informational site. I am LOOKING for personal experiences. I have put this in 3 categories, to see where I might get the most response . thanks for your understanding!!! thanks, Thanks for the answers so far! Thank you.

southerngirl84 replied: "I have both Vicodin and Ativan here. I only take them ocasionally because I don't want to build up a tolerance or run out of pills. Can't smoke weed anymore, so these pills are my only way to get high. I suppose it's ok if you don't take too many every day and become addicted. It's easy to become addicted to these drugs because they can give you a buzz."

nermil replied: "i was prescribed vicodin after i was in a car accident. i took it for about 3 weeks. i did not have any issues when i stopped taking it. perhaps i did not take it long enough to experience the adverse affects you have mentioned."

metcalfmaintenance1 replied: "Ohh,those damned opiate based drugs.Listen ,here in downeast Maine we have experienced an epidemic.It started with small pills(percs,vics etc.)and grew rapidly into stronger meds which I will not list.After that heroin was all that was left.Having said that I've witnessed good people do horrible things in order to feed their habit.The lucky ones made it to prison.Fortunately there has been an extreme growth in the recovery community in our town.It's a battle that will never be won but together we can have some semblance of a normal life.Good luck and remember you can't make someone quit they have to arrive to that conclusion on their own.You might try leaving some literature laying around for them to read."

wackydac replied: "Before my total hip replacement I took four loratab a day for two years.One every four hours.Most times when I had to drive I would only take half every three hours.I only took it as was written.I was getting my prescription filled one and the pharmacist started telling me about how much people like it because it makes them feel good.He said they took 3 or more at a time.I had no Idea.The only thing they ever did for me was help with the pain.I guess some people abuse it and that must be what gets them in trouble."

marytormeye replied: "Pain killers can have dangerous moral side effects. How do they get pain killers? Pain killers are expensive. People do things they never did before in their lives to get pain killers. Don't be surprised if you see a moral decline. Common symptoms of addition are lying to family members and stealing. Pointing out the moral side affects may be a more effective. Hurting ever one you know and, losing all your friends is way worse then dieing young."

how do you get off pain killers? rehab is not an option so please don't suggest that. I love pain killers. I love how they make me feel. I used to be afraid of them. I don't do any drugs, I drink and lately lortab has become my best friend but I don't want to damage my liver

sportyhorses replied: "if you cant go to rehab talk to someone at school, at church, adoctor, but you need to quit,now!!! stop drinking with them or the problem will solve itself, death. and yes you do do drugs, painkillers are drugs."


TECHX69 replied: "Lortab is an opiate so you can "cold turkey" it. You'll feel like death warmed over(depending how addicted you are). Sudden withdrawl is doable but you won't feel that for maybe 3 days. Be glad it's not methadone or alcohol. Sudden withdrawl from these two CAN KILL YOU(convulsions). So pick a date, be prepared(supplies for home and/or friends to help), and don't freak when you get symptoms like an extremely nasty flu. Remember, you CAN do this. It's up to you. Good luck"

cpinatsi replied: "Just stop taking them. Think what damage they cause you, and addiction can lead to worse addictions. Plus, they are not made to make you feel anything but lack of pain. That's why they're called pain killers. If you are not in pain, you must not take them. They are bad for you, and they are drugs, you know. Please read the instruction leaf and see how damaging they are if not necessary for a medical condition, and just quit them because YOU want to. Be strong. And stop drinking too. There is no other option. Just stop. Ask a friend or parents to help. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to take."

elptl replied: "Well we are funny creatures.... You ask how to get off pain killers But you do not want to stop them as you love them. So really we justify what we like to do, and we all do it. Now you definately are on drugs as pain killers have some form of drug in them, and that is addictive. As for the drinking you are in dangerous territory, Because Drugs and Drink do not mix period! Now I know this sounds pretty blunt but it is the truth. It is like some people like to keep drinking and stay healthy. Wrong!! Impossilble. You evidently know about the liver, so my friend you have to choose Life or Death. If you want some more help email me at and I will introduce you to a Herbalist Dr. who really cares and has helped thousands of people with all kinds of health issues. When you write send me your email that you have written here as well and as your subject out your question, as I receive many emails Hope you will want help!"

sokokl replied: "I would recommend talking to your dr to have them help wean you off."

Sawyer replied: "For 1 week, lower the current number you are taking. As your body adjusts to that; lower that dose for a week. Once you get down to like 1 per day, drop that to every other day. then you can quit. You may need to hold yourself accountable to a friend you trust. Also, drinking lots of water will help flush it out of your system quicker. Some therapy may help you discover why you are trying to bury your pain."

christmas382000 replied: "I was on pain killers like percocet and oxycontin for about 4 years from age 13- 17 but they were perscribed by a legit doctor. When i came off em it sucked so bad. i had hot/cold flashes and couldnt sleep. but after a couple of days i was fine. you just have to keep trying. I was so doped up that i dont remember much of those five years and i am mad that i missed out on my teen years. I was not abusing them and i did everything the doctors told me to and my body still got dependent on them to keep my pain away. Best thing to do is to stop ASAP and let a trusted person know so they can help you. Good luck."

Mandy VZ replied: "If you can't taper your dosage down and don't want to go to rehab, you can try the Thomas Recipe. It involves taking something like Valium or similar, but since you're clearly not getting your Lortabs from a legit source, you can probably find some of those as well. For the Recipe, You'll need: 1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium, Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited for tapering since they come in tablet form. Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules, making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be used if you can't get one of the others. 2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store). 3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store. 4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100% RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium. 5. Vitamin B6 caps. 6. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all that's available). How to use the recipe: Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules. Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside. You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5. During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks. Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD symptom. Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you don't need it. At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try 2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The L-Tyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the dosage may help. With breakfast, take the mineral supplement. As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but will make you feel considerably better."

hydrocodone question? I've been taking lortab 10's for about a year now because of a very bad back(and i mean very bad back) I'm tired of taking this because i hear that after a while it could damage my liver and who knows what else,so are there anything that has the same effect besides the usual stuff to help give relief? i'm looking for something natural if there is such a thing. i've got bulging(sp?) disks

gyggles000 replied: "Try a chiropracter. They usually offer natural medicines as well as being able to treat the problem. Only go with a well recommended one, that has been in the business a long time and uses precautions such as Xrays before making adjustments. Yes hydrocodone can be bad for you especially if you have been taking for a while."

Andrea replied: "There are some non narcotic pain relievers out there, and they give really good relief, however you need your doctor to wean you off the lortab, because you will experience withdrawal, if you have been on them for a year. The pills are called Ultram 50mg and Ultram ER 100mg/200mg/300mg, the Ultram ER is a once a day pill. You might also ask for prescription strength anti inflammatory. You did not mention what your diagnosis is! Hope this helps."

dufu replied: "I don't know of anything natural. Did you try accupuncture or a pain management clinic?"

oldcountry_2000 replied: "Have you been to a rumetologist (spelling might not be right).They deal with all types of pain. I take pain pills ,but the doctor has me take a blood test every two months.The test is for the liver. This way they can stay on top of things."

pvvdds replied: "My suggestion would be to wean yourself gradually over a period of 7 days decreasing your dosage by about 15 % daily. At the same time substitute a low dose of Ibuprofen. Contact your physician to perhaps start you on something like celebrex and some physical therapy and/ or surgery"

All Smiles replied: "How about acupuncture. But you must use an acupuncturist that uses the "cups". They put a flame inside the cup when it is warm enough they put it on your back it sucks your skin into the cup and move it all around your back. It sounds weird but it will alleviate your pain and no it will not hurt you or burn you. The acupuncturist will also recommend natural meds. This may enable you to feel better and be able to take less medication and or get off the medication. Yes, a lot of medications may have long term effects but you have to weigh in your quality of life versus what may happen. It is really easy these days to know if your liver is suffering from the medication a simple blood test every two to three months will let you know if everything is still o.k. As soon as they see something elevated they will take you off the medication and switch you to another. Well, good luck and hope you start feeling a better."

susan p replied: "I have to ask what kind of Dr. gives vicodin for a year because of chronic pain, go see someone else, is this person an orthopedic Dr. if not you need to see one and get off the pain meds"

Barbara L replied: "Have you been to physical therapy? Have you had traction to relieve the bulging discs? Sometimes this helps and then you need exercises targeted for your back to keep your spine in good alignment and keep the bulging disc from shifting. Pain killers and muscle relaxants can be used in conjunction with therapy. Also ask about aquatherapy."

oxycodone? please answer i need to know asap? ok it says the maximum amount of acetaminophen is 4000 mg or 4 g which is the same amount in a 24 hour period before it does any serious damage to your liver....im in extreme pain because i fractured and dislocated my kneecap and was on lortab 5 for about 4 days and then they switched me to percocet 5/325 and prescribed me to take 2 every 4 to 6 hours as needed but the doctor told me i could take 3 if i needed it ( which i do take 3 cause 2 really doesn't cut it) so that's 975Mg's of acetaminophen every 4 hours so i roughly take about 3700Mg'ss by the end of the day because i usually take a little more at the towards when i go to bed because im on my feet for 4 hours straight. but that's just back round knowledge so you can answer my question....my question is how does this 24 hour period thing work cause i have to work tomorrow morning and after my last dose im at about 3900Mg's since about 12 in the afternoon on friday and i have to work on my feet at 9 in the morning and if i take a percocet it will put e past the 4000 mg mark for the 24 hour periodtechnicallyy so i guess what im asking is do you think it would be alright if i take it or should i wait a little bit into the day and take it.....please answer sorry for such a long story but idon'tt want people telling me taking drugs for fun is bad and all that i take it because i need to.

Kimberly replied: "You will be ok if it is just a one time thing. Also, be careful with those narcodic drugs. They are very addictive, I know first hand after a shoulder surgery. RUINED MY LIFE!!! Just please be careful, and I hope you feel better soon. :)"

no name replied: "this is just an opinion but it seems like taking a little time off might help your knee even more. even just getting your doc to limit your duties at work would help. allow yourself time to rest."

rdalemd replied: "Well Im glad to see someone actually caring about their liver however you should be fine. Just a little fyi you may want to take a laxative because opiates are notorious for causing constipation."

SWEETIE PIE replied: "http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An7h3BX_y0gOMVdlo7gLjBzpxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090731223928AAANnW9 Sorry to ask you think in your question but you don't have your mail open to public, and was just wondering what your doctor did to stop your bones from rubbing together and popping. I have the same problem and my doctors just blow me off and say it's normal wear and tear. What did your doctors do to help you? Please let me know. I have my Email open. Thanks"

Opiates / Opiate abuse / Opiate Talk? I've been an opiate addict for the better half of 5 months. I actually had a friend introduce them to me. It started out as the common LorTab. 5/500. Then i ended up having to take about 7 or 8 just to get the feeling. Now, i can't feel anything off of lortab. unless they're 10's. After Lortab didn't work, I was snooping around and found a bottle of 'OxyCodone' (percocet, percodan, Roxicondone, OxyContin, Etc. ) which is more potent than 'HydroCodone' (Lortab, Lorcet, Vicodin, Etc.) a 5mg of oxy is equal to a 7.5 Hydro. so on and so forth. I started as breaking the pill at the score, then it when to breaking off little pieces, then i crushed and ate them, finally i started snorting. It's gotten so bad, to where I'd snort just about 6 of them and chew one or two more. I just couldn't stop taking them. I've almost overdosed twice, but to be honest, taking more than the dose prescribed by the doctor is an overdose, just not a 'Fatal Overdose' ... I'm considering myself to get worse, I've snorted 5 roxy 20's pretty much at one time. I couldn't feel my body, i was pale white all over, i was shaking and cold. I was laying on the bathroom floor, scared to death. My heart rate was out of time by 1.5 seconds, and my breathing was so shallow, I even stopped a few times..Luckily, i threw up about 8 times and it came out of my system, or at least made it to where i wasn't over the limit. I'm surprised i don't have liver failure, or haven't had it. I'm sure it's damaged. I'm worried about myself, i just can't stop... Any advice? all is welcomed. Also you can contact me at myspace.com/baileyscoggin thank you all. :)

Tink replied: "You better get yourself into treatment - what you have to look forward to if you don't go to treatment, is just plain bleak."

~taurus~ replied: "What exactly is your question? Sounds to me that you are boasting about this instead of realizing you are in serious trouble! Opiate abuse is not one bit funny...it is a serious addiction. Stop taking them right now. It doesn't sound like you are hooked yet, you don't mention any symptoms just that you snort them and you throw up. Sounds to me you need to grow up and stop messing around with things you obviously don't understand."

Bob Saget replied: "Get help immediately. I know a few people who got really into that stuff, started snorting multiple 80's of oxy every day. They started to get real slow and everyone just looked at them like they were junkies, because that is what they became. They even did start shooting it up. Most of them got help and are better now though. Just stop before it gets any worse. If you can't do it by yourself, then you really should look into going to rehab."

mylo replied: "i as a stoner myself, would have never taken an opiate. theres a difference between good and bad drugs, opiates are death. try taking one dose less a week so your not quiting right away, just taking less and less of what you need until you quit. oxycodone is known for its highly addictive quality in which the regular dose leads up to overdosing. also ive heard salvia divinorim/ibogaine/lsd and many other psychedelics helps you on the fight against addictions."

Jason replied: "your tolerance isnt super high yet so thats good. your withdrawals will suck, but you'll be able to do it. just taper down if you're taking them daily. try going back to lortab and take less than the amount that gets you high. just enough to stop you from getting sick"

Anyone have personal experience with Lorcet, Vicodin, Lortab, Etc. Use? Addiction? Curious how long you took it , If it caused any long term effects, If you quit or still take it. I am not the DEA!!!!!! And we are anonymous, so if there are any persons willing to share, great. Also, If you know someone. I don't need the "Canned" answers, such as liver damage and such. Looking for personal experiiences. I have a family member and a friend who both take too much. And I am acquainted with a few others. Mostly younger. Are there neurological effects over the long haul? My family member has been taking 3-4 lorcet a day for 5 years. And muscle relaxants, and Ativan all at the same time, but seems to get on with life. I mean how good can this be? Any insights and thoughts would be appreciated. NOTE I have been on every addiction and informational site. I am LOOKING for personal experiences. I have put this in 3 categories, to see where I might get the most response . thanks for your understanding!!! thanks, superfly, can you email me?

missourigal_194420002000 replied: "i cant tak vicodin but i understand the addiction to painkillers is very dependent one. check with ur pain management dr or family dr. to start with."

risibility1956 replied: "In cases of chronic pain, it is rare for a person to become a classic addict, in the sense of drug-seekingbehavior, looking to get high, etc. Opiates are good, reliable and well-tested analgesics when administered properly have a place in the treatment of chronic pain. Having said that, the body STILL develops tolerance to these substances, requiring larger and larger doses or perhaps stronger opiates, and getting off them is very difficult, but by no means impossible. There are other, less invasive, (and MORE invasive), methods of pain control."

superfly replied: "I was in a motorcycle accident 8 years ago, and prescribed percoset ,vicoden and oxycontin. I was weaned down by doctor, however I never felt sane or normal again. Ive been on opiates, moving up to heroin and back and forth to methadone for past 8+ years. I had a great family,self earned net worth of$500,000. good business ,great wife and loved life. Opiates are evil. I have been through 9 detox-rehabs, arrested in jail with felonies, wife and kids left lost my business,health,self worth and do believe the only way out of this mess is death intitutions or jail. IT SUCKS BAD and only gets worse when your family falls apart. If you have the opportunity to get into a long term rehab program(90 days) DO IT and dont leave early thinking you are cured! GOOD LUCK YOU NEED A LOT OF IT!!!"

Anyone have personal experience with Lorcet, Vicodin, Lortab, Etc. Use? Addiction? Curious how long you took it , If it caused any long term effects, If you quit or still take it. I am not the DEA!!!!!! And we are anonymous, so if there are any persons willing to share, great. Also, If you know someone. I don't need the "Canned" answers, such as liver damage and such. Looking for personal experiiences. I have a family member and a friend who both take too much. And I am acquainted with a few others. Mostly younger. Are there neurological effects over the long haul? My family member has been taking 3-4 lorcet a day for 5 years. And muscle relaxants, and Ativan all at the same time, but seems to get on with life. I mean how good can this be? Any insights and thoughts would be appreciated. NOTE I have been on every addiction and informational site. I am LOOKING for personal experiences. I have put this in 3 categories, to see where I might get the most response . thanks for your understanding!!! thanks, thanks Jenn! Thank you.

jennifercaluori replied: "well of all the "not so great things" ive taken, lol, vicodan seems to be my favorite. its a nice numb-ish sedate feeling that goes great w/a glass of wine. however, its pretty addicting, ecspecially for a person with an addictive like personality. i personally stoppped although its easy to get, just because, i dont want to be doing that kind of stuff on a daily business. so as for now, im clean as a whisle!"

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