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Questions and Answers
How do I cure my viral Inner-ear infection? I've been dizzy for a month and taken an antibotic and Meclizine, but this dizzyness won't go away.

wilmichart replied: "Unfortunately there is no good cure. There are ear drops that help in relieving the symptoms. Ask your doctor about polytrim or cortisporin otic ear drops. The usual dose is about 3-4 drops in the affected ear 3-4 times a day for a week. Oops - sorry, didn't read the details section. I agree with the others. I recommend seeing a doctor as there could be another cause of the dizziness. Usually it is benign (nothing to worry about), but it should be evaluated."

scottie2h2004 replied: "Call your doctor and tell them what is going on. Don't rely on some weird advise from people on this thing for a real medical question. And if your normal doctor doesn't help go to another one!"

candyblpn replied: "Have you been diagnosed? Try OTC anti-histamines Claritin, Benadryl etc. Antihistamines will help dry up the fluid in the inner ear, if that is what is causing the dizziness. Even with antihistamines it may take a while for the fluid to clear up. There can be many other causes of dizziness, low BP, low blood sugar, Meniere's Disease, Vestibular Hydrops, water retention, pregnancy etc. Ear drops are only for the ear drum and external canal. Drops do not affect inner ear infections unless there is a perforation in the ear drum. If you want to see a doctor I strongly suggest an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. Good Luck:-)"

gneiss replied: "Doesn't sound like an ear infection. Consult your doctor. Most illness that the symptoms are dizziness are often serious."

Meclizine side effects? I was prescribed meclizine and another prescription of some form of tab that goes behind my ear to help with vertigo/ dizziness from what they thought was an inner ear infection. Problem is, I dont feel like I have an ear infection. The meds make me wired, hallucinate, paranoid, and very near sighted.(I'm better then 20/20). I couldn't return to work until a follow up. Had that today, told the doc my symptoms and she not only refused for me to go back to work, she wanted to admit me into the hospital. I refused, so now I have to wait for a neurology appt on friday. She doesn't think it the meds is doing this. Thing is, I am dizzy as hell unless I take it. It's a damned if I do, damned if I don't. I already have vertigo from an accident in the military. What could be causing this if it's not the meds?

reflection.eternal replied: "I'm not exactly sure what that could be, but it certainly sounds like either a bad reaction to the Meclizine or an Meclizine overdose. When in doubt, however, the doctor usually knows best."

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