Phentermine A 160 Facts
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Popular Questions
Anyone know of any medication similar to phentermine ? Or where I can find phentermine without a prescription? I know of those clinics but they charge $160 plus the cost of meds.

sumthingwyld replied: "You can no longer buy phentermine without a prescription. If you're looking for increased energy, I recommend vitamin B-12 supplements. When I want an appetite suppressant, I use ephedra in moderation (never take more than the recommended dose!)."

Amelia G replied: "I just checked the website where I order my birth control and they sell some sort of herbal phentermine. Im not sure how effective it is, but thought I would share it with you. Here is the website: And they seem to also carry this stuff called Phentramin-D Hope this helps!"

Is there anybody out there thats doing the Phentermine diet? Did anybody take phentermine pills b4 and has it work for u? I'm taking 2 mth supply, i started taking it few weeks ago so far i lost 5 lbs. i eat healthy 4 or 5x a day,no junk food..i dont eat past 9pm or drink soda anymore, all i really drink is atleast two or more big bottles 32 oz of water a day, sometimes Krystal light on the go the lil packets that u shake up in a 16 oz bottle of water. my goal is to get back to my normal weight ranging from 125 to 135. im 160 right now, I'm not fat or anything , i'm just thick, i have a nice shape it just that seeing 160 on the scale scares me because thats less than halfway to 200. my main concern because im short like 5'2" havent had kids yet, want stay heathy because diabetes, strokes, and heart disease does run in my family, i just want to stop it because my weight get out of hand though it took 3 years for the 35 lbs pack on gradually. I know exercising is big requirement which i'm going to start back doing. Anybody have any other secrets?

tina m replied: "I took Phentermine about four years ago. I lost 80 pounds in about six months. But I did walk four miles everyday and I watched what I ate. Not eating was the easy part since the pills TOTALLY take away your appetite. There were times when I had to remind myself to eat. The only bad part was the not sleeping at night. Phentermine is an amphetamine. Good luck!"

ebonyruffles replied: "Phentermine has been linked with pulmonary embolisms. Blood clots in the lung. With everything you are doing you are on the right track. The slower you lose it the longer it will stay off. The only secret is to burn more calories than you take in. Good for you to want to be thinner for your health & not just for looks. I would ask your doctor about getting off the phentermine. Sounds like you don't need it."

LISA M replied: "can someone tell me where to get the phentermine diet pills my friend was on them and they did great results for her ."

Why does Phentermine stop working? I was on Phentermine back from 2005-2006. I started out weighing 210 (at my biggest ever) and finally got down to about 160. I went from a size 16 to a size 9/10 or 11/12. I felt great, I had energy, was never hungry but would make myself eat when I needed to, and looked great! People would tell me all the time that I have had lost so much weight and it got to the point where my mom and brother were telling me I needed to start putting some weight back on. Well about late 2006 I went off the pill because my doctor moved and I loved my weight and didn't care to take it anymore. Well over the past year I have put some weight back on, about 20 pounds, so I decided to get back on Phentermine. Since I've been back on it (about 2 months now) it's not the same. The first two days are great then after that it's like I'm not even on it. I'm hungry all the time and it's not like it use to be when I was on it previously. Can anyone possibly know why or how to change this? Thanks!

Amy C replied: "I used to take Adipecs and at first I started out just like you did with the Phentermine(its basically the same drug). My doctor had to increase my dosage from 1/2 pill per day to 1 pill per day to 2 pills per day to get the same effect. You body builds up an immunity to the drug after taking it for awhile. Ask your doctor if increasing the dosage is right for you. I also noticed that, although it was advised my physician, if I ate before I took the pill, I didn't get the desired effect. Good look!!"

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