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Cogentin/Risperdal schizophrenia? When starting Rx of Risperdal for schizophrenia @ 2mg nightly, should Cogentin @ 2 mg nightly be given at the onset, or wait to see if a need/symptoms arise? Can Cogentin be discontinued abruptly?

mrgumpy replied: "Wait to see if the need arises. Many people taking risperidone do not need cogentin. Cogentin can be ceased abruptly at low doses (starting dose would be 0.5mg)."

piepiepie replied: "You should call your pharmacist or doctor when wanting to get off your meds. You do have the right to go off your medication at any time. The only time they can force you to take medication is if you are a danger to yourself or others. Tell your doctor you want off the medication NOW! If he refuses to help you, find another doctor or speak with your pharmacist."

Why do I sometimes feel uncomfortable around people because I am thinking about their sexual life? This is a serious question... I am diagnosed with a mood disorder and PTSD. I am on Lithium, Risperdal, Cogentin, and some seizure meds. Just for a background... When I am around people...usually family, I become uncomfortable. Like I want to escape. Sometimes I become nauseous around them when my mind becomes encompassed with sexual thoughts. I don't know if its my mood disorder, PTSD, or meds. I dont think its the meds because I have only just started them a month ago. My past isnt so good but i dont want to ask my therapist because this question is embarrassing to ask someone in person. Thank you in advance.

N C replied: "Asking your therapist will be less embarrassing than having to deal with the constant barrage of these unwanted thoughts. Also, your therapist is the only one who can help you get to the bottom of the root cause of this. Your therapist is trained to deal with difficult questions and will not judge you. Please, please, ask your therapist. It could be one of the meds. (Zoloft gave me some issues like this.)"

Oceanside replied: "I think about sex everywhere, anywhere and all day. You aren't alone; however, it's in your control to clear thoughts that are inapropriate from your train of thought. You don't have to concentrate on it the next time you see your family, just try to clear you mind by taking a deep breath and find something else to think about. Try to stay away from thier apple pie!"

bone replied: "Yes I was the same I used to think about the male anatomy whenever I saw them (male) walking. I was thinking that it could be depression I did not tell my doctor this as it never even entered my mind but I know that after I was put on anti depressants the thoughts went away. now my thoughts are coming back because I am depressed again and I will see my doctor on Monday and I can understand with you why you could not tell your Doctor it is just too embarrassing and i'm not even sure he will understand you fully."

lostindarkenss replied: "it's normal however what you are describing sounds severe. Were you feeling nauseated like this before the medication? Sounds like it is affecting your rationality and logic (the medication) because are you are unable to form the simple question I posted above. Incest is not something that is normal for in most part of reality if you ever delve upon it it would show you how abominable incest truly is - just watch the episode home via xfiles..that has all the description I could ever type. Interbreeding even closely tied to ones lineage would show genetic defects like certain types of cancers would show up more in jewish couples or something like that - read up on genetics if your curious."

Is this John McCain's full list of Medications or is he taking others? A Abilify Accutane Aciphex Actos Acyclovir Adderall XR Adderall Advair Albuterol Aldactone Allegra Allopurinol Altace Ambien Amiodarone Amoxicillin Aricept Atarax Atenolol Ativan Atrovent Augmentin Avalide Avandia Avelox Azithromycin B Baclofen Bactrim Bayer ASA Benadryl Benicar Bentyl Biaxin Botox Bupropion Buspar C Cardura Ceftin Celebrex Celexa Chantix Cialis Cipro Claritin Clindamycin Clonidine Cogentin Concerta Coreg Coumadin Cozaar Crestor Cymbalta D Darvocet Decadron Demerol Depakote Desyrel Diflucan Dilantin Dilaudid Diovan HCT Diovan Dopamine Doxycycline Duragesic Dyazide E Effexor Elavil Enebrel Erythromycin F Fioricet Flagyl Flexeril Flomax Flonase Fosamax G Geodon Glipizide Glucophage H Haldol Heparin Hydrocodone I Imitrex Inderal Indocin Insulin K Keflex Keppra Klonopin L Lamictal Lanoxin Lasix Levaquin Lexapro Lipitor Lisinopril Lodine Lomotil Lopressor Lotrel Lovenox Lunesta Lyrica M Macrobid Meclizine Medrol Meridia Methadone Methotrexate Mevacor Mirapex Mirena Mobic Morphine Motrin MS-Contin Mucomyst N Naprosyn Neurontin Nexium Niaspan Noctec Norvasc NuvaRing O Omnicef Ortho Tricyclen Oxycodone Oxycontin P Paxil Penicillin Pepcid Percocet Phenergan Phentermine Piroxicam Plavix Pravachol Prednisone Prevacid Prilosec Prometrium Propoxyphene Protonix Provera Provigil Prozac Pseudoephedrine Pyridium R Reglan Relafen Remeron Restoril Retin-A Risperdal Ritalin Robaxin S Septra Seroquel Sinemet Singulair Skelaxin Soma Strattera Suboxone Synthroid T Tegretol Terazosin Tessalon Topamax Toprol Toradol Tricor Trileptal Tussionex Tylenol Tylenol-Codeine U Ultracet Ultram V Valium Valtrex Vasotec Verapamil Viagra Vicodin Voltaren Vytorin X Xanax Xenical Y Yasmin Yaz Z Zanaflex Zantac Zestoretic Zetia Zocor Zoloft Zyban Zyprexa Zyrtec

Missy replied: "you must be bored"

hardwoodrods replied: "Excellent troll question"

Ford Prefect replied: "I think he drinks too but to be fair to the old coot, I bet he's never tried any illegal drugs....he's naturally demented"

bdancer05 replied: "I take it your are the recipient of all this medications ? You seem to know everyone of them....bd"

. replied: "That pretty well covers it, except you omitted aspirin. He only needs one drug, all the others are used in some manner to offset the side effects of the one taken before it."

Lainey replied: "He also takes baby asprin (it's easier on the tummy)."

rage_against_the_mccain2 replied: "Flintstones chewables. He likes biting the heads off."

Walker B replied: "mccain rocks, i sure hope he wins over obama.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!)."

david replied: "^I like how you think you're better than me technidigm, you must have real character."

Quitting smoking with a patch, just hit week 3...should I be having asthma and vomiting problems? I started at 19, I'm 24. It's been three weeks with nicoderm cq patch, step 1. I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day, depending on stress level. I was diagnosed as having severe asthma growing up (doctor said I had the lung capacity of someone with emphysema), and it actually went away around the same time as when I started smoking. Now it's back. I'm also vomiting every time I change the patch, but it goes away within a few hours. During that time I get badly susceptible to motion sickness. I also have had (since quitting) severe insomnia, severe mood instability (I'm on lithium for bipolar disorder, and on risperdal and cogentin to help me with PTSD, I was doing very well until now), dizziness, nasal drip/sinus congestion and (my favorite) poor blood circulation, only in my arms (the only place I didn't gain weight when I managed to put on 60 pounds in four months without changing my diet and exercise routine two years ago). Also, I'm out of shape and just finished physical therapy (doctors are unable currently to diagnose a problem with severe leg and back pains and rapid weight gain, I'm on vicodin for the pain, it appears to be hormones, and the doctor says I have all the symptoms of an auto immune disease, like lupus, which runs in my family but all my tests have been coming back normal). Hooray for me. Have fun kids. Also, I can't see a doctor again until late July. Public health care just isn't that effective when it's on a small scale. And no, I haven't cheated. Not even a drag. I have the will of a tiger when given enough of a reason to give a damn (my fiance and I are marrying in December and he wants kids in the next couple years) and enough hope that it will help me achieve my goals (I'm pretty sure not smoking helps with pregnancy).

atsc75 replied: "Sounds to me like you overdosing on nicotine. I would take it off give your self a break til the nausea/vomiting goes away, then start again with a much lower dose. And do not sleep with it on as that will give you insomnia and extremely vivid dreams, then you feel like youve been awake all night. Even though you were smoking 1-2 packs a day you might not need such a high dose of nicotine patches. Because its a constant flow of nicotine, you dont need as much IYKWIM. Hope that helps."

ringoireland replied: "Hi go to it gives u all the symptoms u may experience when quitting but it sounds like u have a lot of health issues so don't blame everything on quitting smoking"

the gurl in socks replied: "Good for you for quitting smoking! Yes- you should decrease the nicoderm dosage. The nausea and vomiting are likely a result of too much nicotine. If you're already at the lowest level of the patch, substitute with a low-level gum or something. I've quit while using the patch before- it's really not necessary to stay on it as long as the directions indicate. As for the other health issues- I wish you luck. They're tricky ones: even tougher without regular medical supervision. Fortunately, you've got a strong will. You can kick this. Even if you decide to go cold turkey and take the withdrawl full-speed... it'll be over after three days. After that- it'll just be a matter of resisting the temptation to start again. Another possibility- once you see a doctor again- see whether Chantix, Welbutrin or Lexapro can help. Dunno how they might interact with the BPD, but worth checking into."

Need mental illness help :(? My mental illness is getting worse. I am seeing things in the darkness of my apartment. Aliens and creatures with maggots crawling in their skin. I am alone and afraid much of the time with only my cat, Bowie, to keep me company. God talks to me and says that it is only a temporary problem, but when I write God on sheets of paper, microthin worms come out of the walls to eat me. I would like to go to a treatment center and get some help. I have OCD and cannot control my emails. I really can't. I feel compelled to write emails to people and express my frustrations with my mental illness, schizophrenia. Value Options/Magellan also says that I have Borderline Personality Disorder. I don't know what that means, but it sounds freaky. I would like a reply back via email if possible because I don't seem to know what to do. I have frequent headaches from taking the medication (Ativan, Cogentin and Risperdal). They have me on injection Risperdal at 50 mg. Paul

Best Answer replied: "You undergo the treatments as the doctors say."

lovelorn replied: "Instead of writing emails, why not think of finding a support group. If you have one, speak to your pdoc or social worker about some groups in your area."

Patch replied: "G'day Paul, I admire your courage to being forward and admitting your Schizophrenia, My girlfriend who move in a year ago refuses to acknowledge her issues dealing with schizophrenia, well just outright denies it. What makes things worse is that every Australian knows her (anyone can goggle her under Cornelia Rau). I would like to say that your problem is temporary but I don't know. I recommend that you see your doctors with regards to side affects and wish you all the best luck possible. Regards, Pat"

Secret P replied: "you need to see your Doctor and tell him everything. and maybe contact a social worker and ask him/her if there are any support groups in your area etc and stay on medication and maybe take up something you enjoy like crafts or meditation etc Best of Luck Secret P"

tlamo replied: "I once heard that 'borderline' means 'on the border between psychosis and neurosis'. Psychosis is the main symptom of schizophrenia, which is what makes you see all that alien creatures and worms. I understand that it must be terrifying, but bear in mind that they're not real and can't really hurt you. We all have an imagination, but in psychosis it can take over and be disabling. Most medications take a while to work, so don't be alarmed if they don't work right away. I think you're very brave to open up about your illness, considering how stigmatized it is."

are psych meds harmful to your liver and kidneys? such as risperdal and zoloft and cogentin

Work and School replied: "It depends on what it is you take. Many medications have several different side effects. I would go ask a doctor or a pharmacist"

Sweet Cat replied: "Yes!"

Trey replied: "Almost every medication has some side effects. Doctors keep a "physicians desk reference" or use the internet to keep track of which drugs interact with each other and their side effects. Try the following websites for your specifics "

Hearing voices? What can I do about it? I often hear voices and cannot seem to get them out of my head. I am on Risperdal injection, as well as Ativan and Cogentin. I try music, closing my ears and even ear plugs. Nothing seems to help much. What can I do about it? Just accept the voices? I don't want to just accept them as they can be really annoying. Paul

Chaos Undivided replied: "Listen to them."

yazyazminee replied: "listen to them. talk back to them ad ear plugs wont make any difference. you are not physically hearing them, you get them in your head. you will soon realise they are not real when you try to talk back to them and get no reply. if you do get a reply, dont worry, they are just contacting you with amazing news =)"

giiSel@ s replied: "what kinds of things do they say"

amoul34 replied: "that's pretty scary.. the first thing that popped into my mind was exorcism :/"

Griggnax replied: "Talk to your doc. Some of those medications may be interacting and causing this problem. You need to see your doc right away."

Five F replied: "Listen to them and do what they tell you to do."

Mary Boo replied: "Go back to your doctor and tall him what going on . He might have to give you some more pill or tall you to go and see a PSYCHIATRIST. (I hope I spell it right)"

Mad Mac replied: "I assume because you are taking Risperdal (an anti-psychotic) that you have been diagnosed with a psychosis, possibly schizophrenia paranoia. Ativan is an anxiolytic and cogentin reduces parkinsonism like movements.I am a schizophrenic paranoid of long duration who no longer seems to hallucinate. When I first began to hallucinate in 1960 the symptoms kept me occupied with trying to figure out where they were coming from and what they were intending. They abated when I became interested in other things and didn't concentrate on the intent of the "voices" all the time. How I got interested in things other than my hallucinatory symptoms was due to not taking the voices seriously and not forming any delusions about what they meant. I knew they were a psychotic experience and as such were no real danger.That may be hard to do but the truth is if you ignore them they tend to "lose interest in you." I got a job and worked. In my experience the voices were in my mind, like your little thought voice but definitely other, not auditory with the ears There were often more than one voice. They sometimes were of another gender and often so loud as to force me to my knees. They came in bursts, not extended conversations but just hostile (usually), brief comments. I would be interested in your perceptions of what the voices are like and what they say. You can go to my profile and read my many answers to questions on schizophrenia and voices (hallucinations) to get more of my take on them. Also you can e-mail me from there with questions or comments. Do not be afraid of the voices, they are no real danger just a nuisance. The more you know about them the less threat they are. Good luck with your hallucinations, good mental health, peace and Love!"

Why do I still hear voices? I am on Risperdal 37.5 mg injection every two weeks. I also take Cogentin and Ativan. But I still hear voices, even with my ears closed by my hands. Why is this? Paul

Duk Dong replied: "they are trying to give you the answers, just listen to them, they are right"

Danny B replied: "I dont think anyone is qualified to awnswer this talk to a psychiatrist or a medical doctor"

notyou311 replied: "Tell your Dr. He needs to adjust your medication."

Sphinx Rising replied: "Because you are psychotic and maybe watch too much TV."

Cat replied: "ok, are you REALLY "hearing voices", or is it tinnitis? Repetitive sounds (hums, buzzing; bathroom fans are the worst) can trick your ears into thinking you hear voices. The brain tries to make sense of a lot of random input, that doesn't mean it's always right. If you are TRULY hearing voices, as in actually hallucinating, you need to call your DR. immediately, and have him tell you what to do next."

chrishw replied: "I hear voices sometimes, fortunately it isn't bad, they don't tell me what to do. I had a hard time with it though when I was more stressed and depressed. Find ways to feel better, write to people, write down your thoughts, exercise."

V replied: "Risperdal, Cogentin and Ativan are very strong drugs. Ativan is a narcotic and a controlled substance. I have worked as a residential counselor, and a client there actually had an increase in hearing voices from Ativan. The way your body reacts to a substance or medication can be different for everyone. If you are on these medications for hearing voices, I would highly suggest speaking to your doctor immediately. Since I do not know your exact diagnosis, this is the best I can tell you given this information."

Granite replied: "You do not say which illness is causing you to hear voices. If you just started your injection give it some more time. **Make sure your doctor knows that you are still hearing voices or that they have returned.** The dose may need to be increased. Unfortunately everybody's brain chemistry is different and an effective anti-psychotic for one patient may not work for another. It is possible your doctor may need to try another medication to best handle your symptoms. Please print this page off and show it to a mental health professional that works with you, or your family doctor."

spelling nazi replied: "Because you're a nutcase!!"

Are this McCains Medications? Dispensed By Names Searches A Abilify Accutane Aciphex Actos Acyclovir Adderall XR Adderall Advair Albuterol Aldactone Allegra Allopurinol Altace Ambien Amiodarone Amoxicillin Aricept Atarax Atenolol Ativan Atrovent Augmentin Avalide Avandia Avelox Azithromycin B Baclofen Bactrim Bayer ASA Benadryl Benicar Bentyl Biaxin Botox Bupropion Buspar C Cardura Ceftin Celebrex Celexa Chantix Cialis Cipro Claritin Clindamycin Clonidine Cogentin Concerta Coreg Coumadin Cozaar Crestor Cymbalta D Darvocet Decadron Demerol Depakote Desyrel Diflucan Dilantin Dilaudid Diovan HCT Diovan Dopamine Doxycycline Duragesic Dyazide E Effexor Elavil Enebrel Erythromycin F Fioricet Flagyl Flexeril Flomax Flonase Fosamax G Geodon Glipizide Glucophage H Haldol Heparin Hydrocodone I Imitrex Inderal Indocin Insulin K Keflex Keppra Klonopin L Lamictal Lanoxin Lasix Levaquin Lexapro Lipitor Lisinopril Lodine Lomotil Lopressor Lotrel Lovenox Lunesta Lyrica M Macrobid Meclizine Medrol Meridia Methadone Methotrexate Mevacor Mirapex Mirena Mobic Morphine Motrin MS-Contin Mucomyst N Naprosyn Neurontin Nexium Niaspan Noctec Norvasc NuvaRing O Omnicef Ortho Tricyclen Oxycodone Oxycontin P Paxil Penicillin Pepcid Percocet Phenergan Phentermine Piroxicam Plavix Pravachol Prednisone Prevacid Prilosec Prometrium Propoxyphene Protonix Provera Provigil Prozac Pseudoephedrine Pyridium R Reglan Relafen Remeron Restoril Retin-A Risperdal Ritalin Robaxin S Septra Seroquel Sinemet Singulair Skelaxin Soma Strattera Suboxone Synthroid T Tegretol Terazosin Tessalon Topamax Toprol Toradol Tricor Trileptal Tussionex Tylenol Tylenol-Codeine U Ultracet Ultram V Valium Valtrex Vasotec Verapamil Viagra Vicodin Voltaren Vytorin X Xanax Xenical Y Yasmin Yaz Z Zanaflex Zantac Zestoretic Zetia Zocor Zoloft Zyban Zyprexa Zyrtec

belairjr replied: "man,that's a lot of typing!"

Ben H replied: "When he gets off his meds he can't even dress himself. How can he run a country?"

Jason H replied: "You should ask real questions, not just list every medication you've taken..."

im_foxygirl replied: "That's just his morning meds."

Al (anti-jonas) (former joker) replied: "jeezum crow im not reading all that!"

Freedle S replied: "The question should be: Are these McCain's medications? The answer is no. Which ones are you taking? fs"

Elmo watches you at night replied: "Some of those you mentioned are specifically for woman's parts so I hope not."

Johnny Sokko replied: "Wow, cut and pasting is what passes for funny here tonight, eh?"

tom7411 replied: "You just ask the same question DUH The only one on that list you will need when Mc Cain becomes President is PROZAC lmao"

Quinn22 replied: "That are eh pfuny kut en paste... Seems you forgot your favorite, koolaid......"

Brad A replied: "Do you really think he takes over 100 pills a day?"

Guinea P replied: "bored much?"

Ret. Sgt. replied: "Them aint not his meds. UR makin thiz up.Yu got no pruf a thiz. UR stoopit."

Slapjack replied: "Its impossable to take all those meds. Alot of those meds are used for the same thing like example. adderall and ritalin and concerta and strattera aciphex and prilosec and nexium vicoin and oxycontin and darvocet and the list goes on and on and on and o.................... I dont think many people can take THIS may different kinds of drugs in there lifetime."

I'm Bipolar and was advised to stop all meds? What's the withdrawals on these meds? I am 25 and was diagnosed with Rapid cycling Bipolar disorder (with psychotic phases), OCD, and ADHD. These are the meds I was on until today: Lithium - 900mgs a day Adderall XR - 40 mgs a day Celexa - 40 mgs a day Cogentin - 0.5 mg a day (had to take this because Risperdal gave me permanent tremors after taking it twice) Zyprexa - 5 mgs at night Now, in my doctors defense, he told me to stop all my meds because I guess I was acting abnormal to everyone. I couldn't finish a sentence because I would forget what I was saying (I did this at least 20 times a day). I would also think something in my head and try to repeat it but I would change one word into something random. I went to Wal-Mart to get a few things and somehow spent 8 hours there. I can't look people in the eye when talking because I am constantly looking left and right. Oh, and the hallucinations were nuts. So, what is going to happen to me? What are the withdrawals going to be? I'm scared. Ok, lemme explain something to some of you. I have had these disorders since I was 5 year old. My doctor had me stop all meds immediately because I was hallucinating, forgetting how to speak, forgetting anything in 10 seconds, was contemplating suicide, how everything I've ever done or acted like turned to the complete opposite. Most of my family have some type of mental disorder. Currently, I am disabled because of Risperdal. I was working, going to school full-time and got straight A's, and have to come home to take care of my mother who has a rare disease where a cyst is growing IN HER SPINAL CORD, and take care of my 5 year old and my older sister who has PTSD. So I don't appreciate anyone saying that this is unbelievable or I should see another doctor or check into a mental institution. I asked what the withdrawals will be. I did not ask for anyone to judge me or insult me. Oh, and I'm double majoring as a paralegal/psychologist. How is it for you working at Burger King?

sharpnessa replied: "You definitely sound overdosed."

matjos26 replied: "you should not stop your meds sudenly this could be rely bad and what are new med going to be you need to be medicated as you sound very ill"

neemo replied: "I think you need to talk to your doctor about this. You're not supposed to suddenly stop taking your meds, you're supposed to do it slowly. Are you going to take any medicine after you stop taking these? Your problems might start again if you stay without meds."

PRinCEss_PLeaSE replied: "I only suffer from panic disorder w/ agorophobia, I went through withdrawls from effexor xr...they aren't pleasant. afterward a doctor other than my original doctor expressed some surprise I was not in a hospital for the withdrawls...I did however survive. good luck"

gotta luv da Li replied: "I have bipolar and your story doesn't sound right. First, your doc would not have you stop your meds. If anything, it would be to cross taper to something else. Second, if you are psychotic, you would be going up on an antispychotic, not stopping one. Call your doctor and take your treatment seriously. What you are proposing is not in your interest. IF your psychiatrist actually recommended this, go get a second opinion."

Fondy Shotgun 28 replied: "1) See a new doctor ASAP!!!! 2)See if he/she can commit you to the psych ward of the hospital. You need more than "here's some pills,good luck." You need a psychiatrist that knows what the heck he/she is doing;which includes putting you on the right meds-which could take some time-but if it will make you sane, it will be worth it! 3)Get yourself a good counselor He/she will help work out your problems in concert w/ your psychiatrist I hope that this will be of some help for you.Good luck & God Bless You!!!"

nicole26 replied: "With all those symptoms stoppping all of your medications is not going to be good. FIrst I would recommend you have someone with you at all times for the first few days. Coming off the addreall will make you tired adn lethargic. Increased depression and mood swings are likely to occur. Your psychotic symptoms are likely to worsen as well"

Debbie B replied: "Keep the lithium, change the others. You shouldn't just STOP them... you should slowly come off of them. If you have any left, space them out and don't just come off of them. I would even try getting another doctor. Coming off of lithium was almost suicidal for my son, much less the other medications that you're taking. ANY ADHD medication is going to make your bipolar disorder less manageable. I don't know why your doctor did that. You should never treat someone with bipolar disorder with Adderall. It could send you completely over the edge. Try Cymbalta, Eskalith, and Xanax as prescribed by your doctor. It's a great combination and seems to work fairly well. Sometimes doctors need to be helped along with their process..... some docs listen, others don't. Find one that does."

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