Success Rate Using Clomid Resource
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Questions and Answers
Is there a better success rate using clomid days 3-7 or 5-9??!!!!? Im about to start my second round of clomid and PRAYING it works this month. I took it days 5-9 last month, i talked to my doctor and he said i could try either one. What did you use... any success?????!! Thanks so much for answering!

jenny717 replied: "i've had two rounds of clomid, the first on days 3-7 and the second round on days 5-9. i conceived both times, however both ended in miscarriages. i don't think there is much difference in the days as long as they are taken consecutively."

What are the Clomid Success Rates Compared to Not Using It? First round of Clomid... we danced on the right days. Are my chances increased or the same as not using it? How many women really get pregnant using it? How many on the first round?

replied: ""

Success rates with Clomid, IUI and Metformin? Ok so my doctor just put me on metformin today and we are starting Clomid in January. Taking provera Jan 1 (if I don't start on my on before then) then Clomid and we are going to do an IUI. Good success rates from anyone using these same treatments?

TTC Baby #1 replied: "I'm in the same boat. I'm going on Clomid if I am not preggo by February. I hear they have a very good success, but let me know how it works for you. E-mail me anytime:"

ttcgirl replied: "im on clomid right now. this is my second round. my sis used it and she got pregnant but sonetimes it takes more than one dose. i just started my second dose today. i hope i have better luck this time. and you know just stay positive and it will happen. good lck"

ky59742 replied: "It really depends on your ovaries. I have heard clomid to be successful. I have done 3 rounds of clomid, while on metformin and IUI didnt work. but good luck to you.;."

Meg replied: "hi there i've done 5 rounds of clomid 1st round 50mg than 100mg, 150mg,150mg than 200mg because i wasn't responding to it. i've also been on metformin for about 6 months now and found out last week we were pregnant so we r super excitied!! but still early days i also have pcos. i hear that success rates are good. i too would have been starting injections in january if i still wasn't pregnant. Hope this helps."

how do you use clomid? R there a good rate of success? My doctor just put me on clomid and im anxious to know how its works if it works at all.

Marianne:) replied: "I took clomid 50mg. Just so you know, it is considered to have worked if it makes you ovulate since that's the actual goal. So even if you don't end up pregnant that month but you ovulated, the clomid has done it's job. Clomid worked both rounds for me, but I didn't get pregnant until the second round. I wish you the best of luck!"

What are some side effects to using Clomid? I have recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy and as a result had my right felophian tube removed, I have spoken to people about possibly using Clomid to increase my chances of ovulation, what are some side effects of this medication, and is there a high success rate?

babyphat replied: "Google it...everyone is different my side effect was my head was so itcty I know stupid but weird..and I always got hot flashes at nite."

~JoJo~ 2nd round of Clomid replied: "I had hot flashes at night while taking Clomid, then after I got a bit moody/emotional etc and also dizziness, blurred vision, then around ovulation I had burning sensations in my ovaries, it was uncomfortable to actually have sex! Painful ovulation, dry or hostile cervical mucus (Thats why so many use pre seed lubricant or robitussin while on Clomid) fatigue after ovulation, tender breasts as there is a flood of progesterone in your body (More than on a non medicated cycle, thats assuming you ovulated) then the usual PMS symptoms but they are exaggerated a lot, so much so that you almost always think you are pregnant. Oh forgot about the bloating! it's so bad and I was terribly gassy too. The success rate is good I believe although I am on my 2nd round so I can't tell yet lol Good Luck!"

Kelly replied: "Side effects for me was general moodiness (which I never normally get), ovulation pain, and dry cervical mucous (needed to use preseed as it's sperm friendly). I conceived my 1st daughter on cycle one and my 2nd daughter cycle 2. Both were days 2-6, 50mg. I know of 9 clomid babies including my two. Some had been TTC for 4 years and fell pg on 3rd or 4th round. Sorry to hear about your ectopic - but good luck with the Clomid. It was a miracle drug for me."

Clomid.....? My dr prescribed Clomid for me today because i'm not ovulating...I'm looking to find out people's success rate using it, and side effects that you may have encountered. I've researched some on the internet, but I'm looking for people's personal experiences. Thank you

km_dominick replied: "I am on my second round of clomid 50mg. I was obviously not successful my first round. I just ended my last pill yesterday and wont be ovulating until beg of next week. I was/am very emotional while taking this. I am crying at the drop of a hat. I didnt experience the hotflashes like others have, until this a.m. i am also going on friday to have an ultrasound to make sure the clomid is working. best wishes to you!"

wva_butterfly replied: "Hi, I just finished my second month of Clomid, and go for my follicle exam in the morning.... The first month I didn't have any symptoms, I was on 100 mg, and this month I was on 150 mg and I had hot flashes for a few days after i finished (Not Bad) either....... If I haven't produced any follicles, he is going to change me to something different.... So I Hope and Pray for good results tomorrow.... Best of Luck I will send you baby Dust and Prayers"

virgokissy26 replied: "I have just started my 5th round of clomid 25mg. The clomid is making me ovulate but I dont have much luck in the way of concieving, the only side affects I had was a bit of nausea. Good luck and lots of baby dust :)"

Keysfergy replied: "clomid didn;t work for me, I did 4 cycles of it and give up, it sayd to get a result in the first thre months but I never ovulated on it, I have pcos and am currently taking metformin, clomid doesn't work for everyone, it does have some bad side effects, I had bad hot flashes, and my ovaries got larger then normal"

what is the sucess Clomid? for those who have used clomid what was the success rate of using it and how many people had twins from using it . my dr told me to try another 3 to 6 months, if I have not conceived by then he said they wanted to try this just curious if its worth the money or not

baby doll replied: "My doctor has also prescribed Clomid and I have not started yet, because I'm waiting for my period. I have a really close friend though that went through fertility treatments. Each time she took Clomid, two eggs fertilized and she got pregnant (four times). Sadly and not to scare you, she miscarried all four times. But it's different for every woman, because of variety of details. Clomid does work for a lot of women! Good luck to you!"

_aNgEl_ replied: "Iv just finished taking my 5 clomid tablets this is my first time im very positive this might work (fingers crossed) iv heard lots of success stories of clomid if you are worried about the money side of things once you have a baby they are very expensive have you really thought this through? but yes i understand the tablets plus the fertility specialist and everything along with it is very heavy on the pocket"

Everyone has 2 but me replied: "AF just showed after my first cycle of Clomid. My progesterone level was 16 when I had it tested 7dpo, so my OB said I definitely ovulated. Since Clomid's only job in the fertility world is to make you ovulate then my success rate for Clomid is 100%. My friend took it for 2 months and concieved one baby and carried it to term with no problems. My OB said that typically a women who responses well to Clomid the first month will conceive by month 3. He also said that in all the years he has been prescribing it he has only had one set of twins. The chances of having multiples only increases 10% for twins and .1% for more than that. While it is a possibility I am not stressing about it too much. As for cost it is really cheap in the world of fertility treatments. My one month supply (of 5 pills) cost me $3. Without insurance it would have cost $9. Before you continue to try you should ask your doctor to do a progesterone serum test on CD 21 (if you have a 28 day cycle, if not then the test should be done 7 day past ovulation). It is a simple blood test that will tell you if you are ovulating or not. If you are then there is no reason to take Clomid, if you aren't then Clomid is your first step and what is the point of continuing to try to conceive if you know you aren't dropping eggs? Good luck, I hope this helps."

Success rates with Clomid and Ovidrel (hCG) injection? I'm going to be starting Clomid soon, and I go in on cd12 for a follow up u/s and the Ovidrel (hCG) injection. Have any of you used this combo and gotten pregnant? Or heard of anyone being successful with these two medications?

Lola replied: "I used to work in fertiliy (now in ob-gyn! the next natural step, of course) and the success rate was about 40-60%. I've known many couples (over 50 in one year) who have conceived using this method, or just clomid alone."

♥oPiNIonAteD!♥ replied: " doing the same thing and i have heard majority..success stories! I only heard about 2 people that didnt have success. good luck for you and me! I have a quick question for you have 5000 or 10000 for the Ovidrel? Im just curious..i got 5000. I was wondering why my dr didnt give you 10000. feel free to email me."

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