Taking Clomid To Have Twins Facts
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Questions and Answers
Do you believe I have a good chance of conceiving twins if i currently was taking clomid? I have already 2 daughters and is trying for a boy. I have 2 sets of fraternal twins in my family. My aunt who has girl girl and my first cousin who has boy girl. I am taking Clomid to help better my chances in conceiving, what do you think?

nikki W replied: "if you have been taking clomid there is a high chance of you having a multiple pregnancy did your fertility clinic not explain that to you"

Bunky replied: "It seems like most people on clomid have twins. So I would assume you have a good chance."

loveydovey replied: "you have a very high chance especially because twins run in your family"

Vicky replied: "Your chances of multiples from Clomid are 1 in 5 which is very high (the national average is 1 in over 250). This goes up if you already have fraternal twins on your side of the family and/or if you're over 35 years old, for whom the odds are 1 in 20."

Lucky Lady replied: "I visited my Dr a few weeks ago to begin our fertility treatments and he wants to start me on Clomid after my HSG. He explained that there is only a slight increase in the chance of multiples, he told me it was increased to 10-15%. Clomid can make you ovulate more than one egg, giving the sperm more to target, therefore leaving the possibility for conceiving multiples. More than one egg can be fertilized, but who knows if more then 1 will successfully implant :) Good luck to you and lots baby dust!!!"

Chels replied: "It all depends which side of your aunt's family gave her the genes. The gene would have to come from the maternal side, since the release of 2 eggs is what causes fraternal twins. Clomid increases the chance of multiples up to about 10%, so not a huge percentage, but more of a chance than without. In clinical studies, about 30 percent of women taking Clomid became pregnant. Of these pregnancies, 7.98 percent were multiple births, including: * Twins -- 6.9 percent * Triplets -- 0.5 percent * Quadruplets -- 0.3 percent * Quintuplets -- 0.1 percent. Good luck to you!"

After taking clomid and getting pregnant with twins how long until you give birth? How many weeks until you schedule a c-section? 35? 37? I hear so many different answers. Can someone who had twins by c-section tell me for sure? Thanks all xxx Bless your heart Wash, I, too, have lost 2 pregnancies. My heart goes out to you. HUGS!!

Amber B replied: "First of all just because you are having twins doesn't mean you should automatically schedule a major abdominal surgery. I suggest you call around to midwives who would be happy to give you a great natural, no surgery birth experience. You really shouldn't be deciding when they should be born anyhow. Baby's who are able to allow their lungs to fully develop and start labor on their own always do much better. Despite what doctors say, twins are not high risk, they are a completely normal and healthy birth. Do yourself and your babies a favor and call a midwife or birthing center."

Sarah M replied: "It all depends on how you and your babies are doing. Typically they look at both of your twins and make sure that they are about the same size, If one starts getting bigger than the other (they base this by percentage...meaning one being 5 to 10% bigger than the other) they will recommend inducing you earlier. All doctors are different."

wash replied: "Sorry I can't answer b/c I lost my twins at 21 weeks but I feel compelled to respond to Amber: twins ARE high-risk.. if they weren't then mine would be with me now instead of dead and buried."

Tina replied: "I have 6 month old twins from IVF. During my pregnancy, I saw a high-risk OB from the Fetal Maternal Unit at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. She was fabulous. We were hoping to go with a vaginal birth, but due to complications with one of the twins, we delivered them via scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. During the pregnancy, she told me that she always gives her multiple birth patients the "option" of a c-section and whenever possible prefers to schedule it at 37 weeks or later for twins as this is considered term for twins . . . .in certain situations, it can be necessary to do it earlier . . . but the longer you can keep them in the better. I had my twins at 37 weeks on the dot. Best wishes!"

When taking Clomid, is the chances of having twins more? I am going to my doctors next week to get on Clomid and was wondering if the chances are higher of having twins? Is it just by luck or does the medication make the risk higher. Thanks!

Julie C replied: "Yes, clomid can increase your chances of having multiples. Clomid works to make you release eggs for ovulation, so it is very likely that it can make you release more than one egg."

sarah jane replied: "The medication makes the odds of multiples about 10%."

Kimberly replied: "Yes, its slightly higher when using clomid simply because it causes you to ovulate and could possibly cause you to release more than one egg, the chances get higher the higher dosage you take, I used clomid on and off for ten years, no twins here but a do have a beautiful 6 month old baby girl finally, good luck to you!!!!!!"

nicole b replied: "Yes i've heard many people say there is a 10% risk of multiples but my dr. ( who is a very good dr. ) told me 15% chance of multiples."

Have you taken clomid and got pregnant with twins and how long it took to concieve? I have an irrigular period and my doc. want me to get on clomid. Have anyone tried it? Side effects and how long it took? Twins?

professionaldomesticceo replied: "I took clomid for 4 cycles 4 years ago before concieving. I am currently pregnant with twins, however I did now use any medications."

kris replied: "I've taken clomid 4 times now. I actually got pregnant on the first month, but I had an early miscarriage (it was just one fetus, though). I'm in the middle of my fourth month now, so I have my fingers crossed! I've had no side effects whatsoever. A friend of mine (actually my sister-in-law's sister-in-law) just recently gave birth to twins that she conceived with the help of clomid, but I'm not sure how many months she was trying."

Kris_is_a_mommy_to_be replied: "I used clomid for 2 months and got pregnant, i am cureently 13 weeks with my first. I am only having one but recommend it for anyone TTC. Good luck and best wishes!!!!!"

My Mom was a twin and I conceived while taking clomid which I know increases the chance of twins? I know no one can tell, I just want your opinion on if you think I am carring twins. Or what my chances are. This is for fun so thank you. Comid is a type of fertilty pill. That does increase the chances of multi pregnancy by 10%

Angele H replied: "i don't know what clomid is but if you have twins in your family then you definitely have a greater chance of carrying twins. good luck!"

jo replied: "Impossible to say really. I conceived on clomid, and had a singleton, but if you already have twins in the family, then I guess your chances are higher!"

freddyfroo replied: "It also depends on what kind of twins run in your family...Identical twins are not hereditary...they are a mystery. Fraternal twins are hereditary, and if your body is prone to releasing more than one egg at a time, the clomid might increase that even more. I conceived the month after I stopped the clomid, not during, and I am expecting my daughter ( 1 only) in March. Good luck!"

kskate2jbs replied: "Your chances are good... One, it's already genetically possible for you to have twins and you're taking clomid which increases your chances even more."

Can taking Clomid when you don't need it increase your risk of twins or more more then 10%? I have been put on it because I have PCOS. I am on cd15 and hoping and praying. Sometimes I ovulate on my own though. So if I ovulate on my own one month as well as take the clomid will it increase my risk of twins more?My doctor prescribed me 50 mg days 5-9.

Wendy B replied: "Clomid increases your risk of multiple pregnancy (NOT JUST TWINS) PERIOD. No matter if you "need" it or not."

akhoney replied: "regardless of if you are going to ovulate on your own or not clomid increases your odds of multiples greatly! If you are not comfortable with that you should not take the drugs until you have discussed with your doctor your concerns... While 50mg is the lowest dose it is still a possibility. I honestly would not have intercourse without resolving this issue."

bobbypogi replied: "just follow what ur dr. told they know what's best for the patient hope u can & be cured on ur illness I'll pray 4 that GOOD DAY @ GOD BLESS TITA"

Gena replied: "yes it does increase ur chances, but i was on it for 5 months or more and had more than one folicle (egg) each month and didnt get pregnant with even 1!! It most likely happens that u get pregnant with 1, but the risk is always there."

I'm trying to conceive and taking Clomid. Does a higher dose increase your chances of twins? I took 50mg Clomid on cycle days 5-9 with my first child, and now I would like to try for twins since I only want to be pregnant one more time. I'm wanting to try 150mg Clomid on cycle days 3-7. Will this up my odds of twins? Or is there something else I should try? Clomid is the highest fertility drug we're gonna try.

professional_mother replied: "Clomid has some serious side effects. Most drugs are more likely to have side effects if you take an increased dose. Please do *not* take a larger-than-recommended dose of Clomid; if you have any specific questions (like the above), please talk to your doctor. She/he will be able to advise you what is safe. You already have a child--you *need* to be around to take care of her/him for many years yet!!"

tink41503 replied: "I am now on my second round of clomid after having a laparoscopy. I have PCOS and clomid didn't do anything for me the first time. Clomid, everytime you up the dosage you have a better chance of getting twins but it is not promised. The closest way you are going to get twins medically and not naturally is IVF. Ask your doctor about metphormin. I am taking that also and have been TTC for a year. Everyone's body is different. The high you go on the dosage of clomid the better chance you have of getting pregnant just dont take it for more than 6 months at a time."

taking clomid on day 2-6 will this increase chances of twins? i already ovulate on my own? I already ovulate, but i ovulate late and the dr wants to bring it foward, he has started me on cd2-6 50mg. I have read that this increases the chances of twins? i am worried because i am so small i had hard enough time carrying my first born who was 8 pound 12. also has anyone had luck with clomid on there first month?

chiquita11 replied: "Clomid gives you a chance of 5% to 10% probabilities of having twins (higher if there are twins in your family), 50mg is a low dose so it might be ok for you but always best to talk to your Dr. about your specific chances, you can also ask fertility specialists online for free and find others taking clomid, try fertilityties.com good luck!"

honey replied: "i had a history of multiple miscarriage...and was prescribed clomid to give my system a boost as for wahtever reason my hormones weren't sustaining pregnancies. I fell pregnant with twins first course of clomid........ so yep.....success AND twins..... Good luck. Twins are lovely!!!!"

gourtsy replied: "I believe that clomid has the risk of multiple births full stop. Not just 2-6 days. I started taking clomid after 12months of TTC because I wasn't ovulating at all. I am now 5 1/2 weeks pregnant after my first cycle. I took the pills day 3-7. Good luck"

Alyse replied: "Yes increases chances of multiples. I was successful on first attempt but at 100mg. good luck!"

does taking clomid increase the chances of having twins ? i have been on metformin for three monthes and now the doc. want's me to also take clomid

mdizzy18 replied: "I took clomid and now I am expecting twins so I don't know. It took me the first time on clomid to get pregnant!"

vallygval replied: "Absolutely it does. Normally, in each cycle you only ovulate from one ovary. Clomid stimulates both ovaries to ovulate, which increases the chance of having 2 eggs fertilized... producing fraternal twins. It also increases the risk of developing ovarian cysts."

Miriam Z replied: "It increases the chance from 1% to 2-3% so not by much."

jlametz replied: "Yes it does! Your doctor should have gone over alot of this with you when you were discussing your options. Also, another person to ask about side effects and such would be your pharmacist! My pharmacist helped explain in great detail how it works and the examples of people she knows who it worked for, how long it took, etc. Of course, if you have a history of twins in your immediate family, your chances increase also. One of my best friends took clomid, along with another list of RX's but she is now pregnant! good luck, I wish you the best!"

zaiden24 replied: "not any higher then it would if you were on no drugs. the chances are real low for twins."

Melissa B replied: "It only increases your chances of twins by about 5%, and with multiples only by about 1-2%. I used it to conceive all 3 of my pregnancies and never had twins or multiples."

maineems2004 replied: "they say it's about a 5% chance.. though my clomid twins are running around in thier walkers right now"

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