About Valtrex Shingles
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Popular Questions
Can you take valtrex while breastfeeding? I was prescribed valtrex for shingles, the er doctor said I cannot breastfeed while taking it but my primary doc said it was safe. Anyone know the truth?

Susan M replied: "Call and ask your pharmacist. The pharmacist is the drug specialist and hears more feedback from consumers."

NurseAnnie replied: "It is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk and how it may affect a baby. You should not take this medication without first talking to your doctor if you are breastfeeding."

bmac replied: "No. "It is not known whether valacyclovir passes into breast milk and how it may affect a nursing baby. Do not take this medication without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby." It's not known how damaging this can be. Don't take a chance. Or stop breastfeeding. Shingles won't go away without the Valtrex. Put your baby on formula. But don't not give him VALTREX!"

tinaw2006 replied: "According to their website, Valtrex may pass through to the baby in your milk and may harm the baby. Here is the link:"

littlemissfickle1 replied: "call your pharmacy. Number's on the Rx bottle/package."

Ohio replied: "Valtrex to be of benefit needs to be started within 72 hours of the getting shingles. The benefit is that it may decrease the duration of the disease, and decreases the chance of pain (post herpetic neuralgia) that may occur afterwards. The neuralgia is more a problem only in the elderly. A person with shingles can give chicken pox to non-immune contacts (like children who have not had a c.pox shot). I think you may want to contact your child's pediatrician re' this."

Nik replied: "What is your baby worth to you ?? Just remember that whatever you put into your system, is what your baby's system will have to endure. My personal advise would be no. Even at the cost of your discomfort."

Amanda replied: "I would call your pharmacist to make certain, but according to this website, it's compatible with breastfeeding: "

My husband was diagnosed with the shingles today he is taking valtrex will this help him feel better ? and reduce his fatigue? are there bad side effects? he is back at work but I think he should stay home

pagold replied: "valtrex helps keep the virus down but won't do much for the symptoms other than maybe keep them from becoming worse."

Josh P replied: "It won't right away, but it should do the trick. It is an antiviral, so it should clear, at least partially, the virus, but it won't treat the symptoms. Hope this helps!"

jackmatt replied: "It will help to suppress the virus, but he will always have the virus. This is the result of the reactivation of the chicken pox virus. His fatigue will get better over time. Infections, especially viruses are very exhausting to the body. Hope he feels better soon. The more he rests the faster he will recover. RN"

the_only_solorose replied: "he should definitely stay at home until he has been on the Valtrex for at least 24 hours. It will improve the condition in a couple of days. But he could be infectious, he isn't doing anyone any favors going to work like that."

Maryam_7 replied: "Fuoco di sant'Antonio, o altro herpes? Forse intendevi Valtrax (isopropamide ioduro+diazepam)? Quindi, è un disturbo essenzialmente legato allo stress. Sì, forse può aiutarlo a sentirsi meglio, ma può dargli assuefazione. Altri effetti collaterali rilevanti non dovrebbe everne. Certo è che dovrebbe stare a casa, riposare, sentire altre opinioni. Presenta dolore diffuso in tutto il corpo? Si sente molto stanco? Ha crampi? Qualcuno ha vagamente pensato che potrebbe essere una forma iniziale di fibromialgia? Sai, te lo dico perchè anni fa io ebbi il fuoco di sant'Antonio, ed ora ho la fibromialgia.Per questo mi sorge il dubbio; viene spesso confusa con la sindrome da affaticamento cronico. Niente di grave, stai tranquilla; ma invalidante perchè molto dolorosa, se non curata tempestivamente. Legalo al letto!"

I am a nurse diagnosed with shingles. Is it ok to go to work? I have been on Valtrex for 3 days.? All of the research I have found talks about it only being contagious to those not having chickenpox. It doesn't address the need to stay away from people in general. I just finished school and have been a nurse for a whole 2 weeks. Plus, I don't work in infectious disease. I was hoping to get an answer from a more experienced nurse.

dbernard replied: "If you're a nurse, you ought to know that....or at least a doctor you could call. What the heck are you asking us for? My faith in the medical world is now shot."

acedoll1985 replied: "Dbemard i agree with you. Here is a thumb up. Whether you have been a nurse for one day or ten years common sense would tell you to ask your doctor about going back to work if he did not mention it to you."

deborah g replied: "I am a nurse and you can not give shingles to anyone. people than have not been exposed to varicella or chicken pox could be at risk.check out md .com"

ijc replied: "I take medications to suppress my immune system, after an organ transplant. Please do not come near me. I have not had chicken pox. How would you know that you are not in contact with people who have not had chicken pox? At work, or at the store, etc?"

How long will my Shingles last and be contagious to people who have not had Chicken Pox? I was recently diagnosed with shingles. It is extremely painful and I can barely function. They started me on Valtrex yesterday. My problem is that I am due with a baby is 2 1/2 WEEKS. The Doctor said that if my Shingles are not gone then my baby will get chicken pox. Does anyone know how long it should take to go away with my Valtrex. I am so worried. Thanks in advance.

TweetyBird replied: "Herpes zoster is what you're calling "shingles" . Yes it painful, more painful for some. Outbreaks can last 3-4 weeks but 7-10 days is an average duration. I imagine your doctor prescribed for daily therapy. Is that correct? I don't know your dosage but a typical protocol for treating h. zoster might be 1000mg three times a day for 7 days. It should take a week to control your symptoms but take it for as long as your doctor has recommended. Outbreaks don't happen often during a pregnancy. Valtrex is not associated with birth defects. Having an outbreak late in your pregnancy makes it possible for the baby to be infected with chickenpox. And if you have an outbreak more than five days before you give birth, you may transfer the disease to the baby. Your doctor is quite correct. But even if the baby is born with chicken pox, he/she can be treated and at this stage of your pregnancy, birth defects aren't an issue. You're past the 30 week mark. Why didn't you ask your doctor this question???? Oh and as to how long will your condition be contagious to those who haven't had chicken pox -- the virus responsible for both chicken pox and h. zoster is the varicella zoster virus, or VZV. It's in the fluid in the blisters. You're most contagious during an outbreak when the lesions have erupted into open, draining sores but you can keep the lesions covered. It takes direct and prolonged contact with the drainage or open sores to transmit VZV. With h. zoster, it isn't transmitted by casual contact, sneezing or coughing."

nursegailegirl replied: "I am sorry you have to deal with this when you are pregnant I am sure it is very scary for you, and Lord knows it is extremely painful! If you have to have Shingles or Chicken Pox while pregnant, you are in the better of the time periods right now. Before 30 weeks there is a chance of birth defects, if acquired just before birth it can cause very serious complications. If acquired during this time period your body has a couple of weeks to deal with the virus and to help protect your baby, and that is what it will attempt to do. In the next couple of weeks your body will build up what they call antibodies. These antibodies will be passed on to the baby and will help the baby deal with the virus should it still be present at the time of birth. They say that if you have an outbreak of shingles or Chicken Pox 5 - 21 days prior to birth then you will have the opportunity to build up these needed antibodies anything more than 21 days and I suppose you clear the virus and anything less than 5 days does not allow for you to build up the needed antibodies. You are so close to the far end of this time table with 2 1/2 weeks to go. If I were you I would feel more comfortable than not. Combined with the fact that you are on the anti-viral drugs, I would try to relax and enjoy the last couple of weeks of your pregnancy. Try to make a calm and nurturing environment for you and your unborn baby. Do not feel like you have to be superwoman! Do what you have to do to make yourself comfortable physically and this includes taking your medication. Your child is mostly developed, so if you need something for the pain take it. Your doctor will not prescribe anything that will harm you or your baby so if he says it is OK to take then by all means take it. Listen to what your doctor has to say. He will be honest with you. He/ she will tell you up front of the potential complications of this situation. They are not in the habit of sugar coating or lying about important issues such as this.If you have questions make sure you ask, and if you feel that you can't get his/her attention, make sure to demand it! Good luck."

How do you cure Shingles? One of my relative have shingles and the doctor prescript her Valtrex and pain reliever. Does anyone know any home remedies she can use to get rid of the pain?

Conversegrrrl replied: "i had the shingles its like chicken pox...well they will eventually dry out so you'll be good and cured in about three days..."

teresa replied: "hon shingles is a form of herpes u will never cure them they will come and go but she or he will Always have them the valtrex will suppress the outbreaks and the person is stuck with them for life"

Trina Rae replied: "Shingles is NOT herpes, but the virus is similar in structure. That's why the Valtrex will help (even though Valtrex is generally used for herpes). They do not come and go either--you generally only get them once and then you are immune. Singles is similar to the chicken pox, except you can usually only get them as an adult. Usually you're immune to the virus if you've had the chicken pox, but some people are an exception. There is not cure for them, but they will go away on there own after about a week. They are contagious though, so it's advised that you limit contact with anyone who hasn't had the chicken pox or shingles or been vaccinated against them until it clears up. Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen) would work well for the pain as long as she is not allergic to them. Good luck!"

AshCatSilver replied: "Shingles IS a form of herpes, but it is the herpes zoster virus and is NOT THE SAME as genital or mouth herpes viruses. It is from the same virus as chicken pox. They say if you have had chicken pox you won't get shingles, which is complete bs because I had chicken pox 3 times as a child before age 11, (yes 3!!!!!) AND got shingles at age 12. There really is nothing better to help the pain than the pain meds her doctor gave her, it is painful no matter what and I found it best to sleep as much as possible. The shingles will probably clear up soon, they usually don't last too long although it feels like forever when you have them. Also I have never gotten it again and I'm now 26, but the virus does lay dormant in your body forever once you've had shingles or chicken pox and it is possible to have recurring outbreaks."

- replied: "I have shingles right now, "down there" and I gottta tell you it hurts. From the research i have done and what the doctor told me it can last from 1-4 weeks, so ddepending how bad it is, how strong your immune system is and if you are taking anti viral pills that will give you an idea how long it may last.There is no cure for Shingles, but if you start taking antiviral pills within 72 the length and pain and spread of shingles with all decrease. Im not taking Valtrex, but that should work. A good diea is to keep the rashes dry so they heal faster and to let them breathe (if you can). If your relative cant stand the pain get Tylenol3's (really strong pain killers), a warm oatmeal bath, or put a cold pack whereever the rash is. Goodluck to you and your relative, i share your pain ='(."

Can you get shingles in your mouth and what does it look like? I have several sores inside my mouth. I take valtrex and it does not seem to be helping. Could it be shingles?

bmac replied: "Look here: You should call your doctor if you are already on Valtrex."

cdptqt replied: "While shingle typically appears in the trunk, and usually on only one side, it can occur in the mouth or genitals. See the link below"

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