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Is there a pie Richard Branson does not have his finger in? ,,2171434,00.html don't get me wrong I like the guy, I use his skin care products and jewelry from virgin vie, I love virgin holidays, t'internet is virgin broadband . . . but is this a step too far? How many people actually clicked on the link? its about the NHS and has nothing to do with the McCanns! yelena I beg to differ, I had a fabulous meal years ago at a beautiful hotel/ restaurant he owns in the new forest, I'm sorry I can't recall its name.

flyingconfused replied: "Yeah...mine :-)"

Faith replied: "Um...maybe lemon meringue...?! Edit: Have noticed Barbie when one has pots & pots of money, one does tend to like to have ones fingers (& toes as well!) into as many pies as possible."

Guy U replied: "There was but Phil McCann just ate it. sorry i am guilty of not reading the question..."

elizadushku replied: "Humble Pie."

juciylucy87 replied: "next it gonna b virgin babys cloths i mean"

bugaboo replied: "My Fray Bentos.."

cornyginger replied: "i saw a small cherry pie once that he didn't have his finger in - might have been an rhubarb one come to think of it"

daisy replied: "not aunt phil."

The Happy Murcia replied: "Yes i agree..."

miman replied: "..........warm apple pie mmmm mmm mmmmmmmm"

Sam J replied: "He is a great entrepreneur, I like the way he is dealing with Portuguese police porky pies"

Pat R replied: "My god,how pathetic are you haters? You cannit vilify the McCanns as murderers any more,so now its back to the neglect,then Richard Branson. Can't you live without hating someone,anyone??"

yelena replied: "yes he doesn't own any restaurants"

Ya-sai replied: "Humble pie"

Bob J replied: "Sky Pie"

Ben-Elijah Gareth replied: "nuclear waste"

HarshMellows replied: "Nah... It actually sounds like an alright idea, giving more choices to the wider public. NHS is soso for what it is but if you can afford it why not pay for it?"

CT (Original) replied: "He can give some money to the proposed newly formed Trust being setup soon, to help Fight for Justice for Madeleine. "

sally t replied: "Not sure, but if there is one, no doubt he will find it and stick his finger in."

morwood_leyland replied: "I don't think he is doing anything in education yet - although he has spoken out on some issues in this area and funded a school in South Africa. It can only be a matter of time!"

CoRaLreeF replied: "maybe somewhere,if you look hard!"

Mittens replied: "If the NHS can't cope, which obviously they can't, then it will open the doors for private health care and centres. Some ones got to do it so why not Richard Branson? As I said yesterday. I like his style and him as a person but I won't have Virgin Media as it's too expensive. edit: I didn't see any reference to the McCanns in this question so why has Pat jumped up and down and started shouting the odds?"

t.bone replied: "Don't know but think he should have kept his figers out of this one. not passing judgement on anyone just yet, but if they turn out to be guilty he could find himself in a ( branston ) pickle."

31 ford replied: "What about yours. Go for the shocker. I mean the apple pie you just baked."

steph j replied: "I guess not many actually read the link....... Its another step towards overall private health care and NHS decline. To be honest, if the NHS cant get GPs to work out of hours on the wages they get now, I cant see how private companies will do it. My local out of hours GPs fly in from Germany for the weekend, paid for by the NHS and earn about 4 grand for 24 hours work."

dollybird replied: "well when you don't pay any british taxes you have lots of money to buy lots of pies to put your fingers in. i think it's a good idea maybe then we can get to a doctor before you either get better or die !"

faddyatlarge replied: "if it means more choice then maybe its a good idea, but I doubt it will be free. Will it be another nail in the coffin of the NHS. I also like Branson, but I think he's made a few dodgy decisions lately"

Lady Penelope replied: "read his autobiography - he has had his fingers in more pies than that!"

Gobilina replied: "he put up the £100k reward for information about my murdered sister, I have nothing but respect for that guy, he will dip into his pocket and helps many a good cause"

jen c replied: "i think its his way of thinking people will like him more."

so i sleep a lot replied: "He,s socially providing services he thinks we want Time on his hands maybe"

abenezerscroogexxx replied: "he does not have a finger in my honey pie."

Whats the best skin care? I want to buy some good skin care, preferably a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Iv tried most of the cheap products (simple, Loreal e.t.c...) and iv tried the clinique moisturizers but nothing seems to do much difference. I have combination, very fair skin and I used to have acne so im left with some scarring. So any recommendations for products? Im thinking about buying virgin vie..>
cof cof ermm NO replied: "you know whats best for you"

TC replied: "Try origins products :] I use them daily and I love them."

Baby★ replied: ""

Kiss me I'm Italian replied: "wash face everyday morning, night, and maybe in the afternoon, put lots of toner on, put face cream on, protect wrinkles with lotions or some skin cream especially for wrinkles, protect bags under the eyes, find healthy products and choose wisely."

scouse princess replied: "I would advise you to use the Vitamin E range from the Bodyshop. It is suitable for all types of skin. If you go in store they will do a skin test for you and advise you of what sort of products you should use according to your skin type. You need to use a good cleanser to get rid of dirt from your skin and remove makeup etc and a toner to firm your face and stop dirt from getting back into your pores, a daily moisturiser and a night moisturiser to replenish your skin while you are asleep. Oh I almost forgot to mention that it will also benefit you to use a facial scrub or exfoliator twice a week to drw out any impurities. You may also be using the wrong type of makeup for your skin. I would recommend Benefit Bo-oing industrial strength concealer to cover up your acne scarring, this product is brilliant and lasts for ages! Good luck :) xo =&searchpage=0&searchinvt=1&searchstry=0&searchicat=0&searchlike=1&itemsperpage=9&threshold=50&carryfields=U%2CC%2Csortname%2Csortprice&searchex=vitamin+e&itemsperpage=9"

tiggle replied: "id strongly reccomend the boots no 7 range they really do work"

Muse S replied: "In my opinion, bodyshop is the best. All made from natural ingredients and mostly suited for all skin types :D"

josyul026 replied: "Buy sun silk black shine shampoo with amla pearl and Moisturized cream for dry skin I you also covered acne so you are with some scaring"

Quia replied: "I'd try the ones that are natural & chemical free. The ranges are: Dr Haushka (a very good brand). Living Nature, Weleda, JASON etc. They're available at good health shops or organic shops,like Planet Organic (shops in London). or you can buy them online from this shop:(free P&P if you order online) (on this page you can look up products for specific skin problems; eg acne) PS> researchers have identified an inability among acne sufferers to digest saturated fats. This means eliminating dairy products and all animal fats, especially red meats"

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