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Hives?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!? Ok, I have been getting hives a lot recently. I am not allergic to anything (that I know of) and when I do get them I have not done the same thing that I did on the other days. I have gotten them 6 times before in the last 2 months. I have noooooo clue why though. Plus, I went to the doctor, he gave me Zyrtec. It barley works. Right now I am also taking Zantac

Chanhassen replied: "It could be a soap, lotion, laundry detergent, pet allergy, or any of 1,000 other things you touch every day without thinking. Is it a fairly small area, confined to less then a square foot of your skin? If so, try this: If it's truly hives (itchy and pink, raised areas with no flaking or cracking of the skin) keep taking zyrtec and also add some benadryl (or diphenhydramine) cream- apply twice daily. If there is flacking or cracking in the skin, try some benadryl cream mixed with a little bit of cortisone-10 ointment. If it's a really large area, you don't want to slather your whole body with these medicines, you'll need to call your doctor back and tell him the zyrtec isn't working well enough- he may try you on some other oral medications. Keeping looking for what it might be that causes your skin reaction. Don't rule anything out- you'd be surprised at all the things you can be allergic to and also, how small an amount of exposure it takes to spark a reaction. get well soon!"

versantly replied: "try benedryl, keep a food diary, and see your allergist."

JayyAnn replied: "I've broken out in hives before because clothes were not washed correctly. Try changing your laundry detergent and see if it helps. :] Have you been stressed lately? Hives can be triggered neurologically as well, in instances of high stress or fatigue. Also, to stop an allergic reaction try Benadryl, it works quickly to stop minor allergic reactions. Zantac and Zyrtec are seasonal allergy medications, if I'm not mistaken. Hope your hives die down!"

Did Zyrtec work on your chronic hives? Wednesday will mark six weeks of hives breakouts for me. Yesterday I started taking Zyrtec and Zantac, each twice a day. Are these meds usually pretty good at helping suppress histamine? I'm ready to not itch and have red wheals all over my back, chest, and arms! I was a little itchy last night and yesterday, but this morning it is almost completely cleared up! Is this a good sign?

soulreaper972 replied: "i dunno it didnt work 4 me, it it varies from person to person. anti itch creams work well and so does claritin :)"

curlyQ replied: "Nothing but time has worked for me. Zyrtec, zantec, singulair, prednisone, and a couple other meds offered no help. I just try to avoid circumstances which bring hives and angioedema on (if possible). It can take a long time to discover the cause & best treatment. Best of luck to you!"

Meds for hives, not working after four days, should I try something else, or wait a little longer? I've had them five weeks, saw an Allergist. He put me on Zyrtec 10mg 2x daily and Zantac 150mg 2x daily. No improvements as of yet...

Dan replied: "Just to be sure, you should contact your allergist again first thing Monday to ask how long these medicines usually take to have an effect. From the allergy medicines I've taken before, it's usually taken at least a few days for them to show their true value. Maybe it's the same in your case? Either way, play it safe and contact your allergist immediately. I've heard of plenty of cases where the medicine ended up not being the best possible option for the patient!"

I have suffered from hives off and on for years I will be good for a few years then I will get them again? Any idea why, when I do get hives I take either claritin or allegra with zantac 75 and it makes them go away but they still come back the next day. Something about the mixture of the two make them dissappear till the next day anyways

the_advisor™ replied: "you need to find the source of the hives,are you touching anything,are you using fragrance free products on your skin,hair and laundry?start writing down what you touch and eat and record whether u get hives the next day or immediately after.Benadryl cream applied directly to the hives helps."

eskie lover replied: "I've had chronic idiopathic hives on and off since 2000. There is nothing that I am allergic to but some things will trigger them. Not all hives will go away forever and my medical team does not seem to know why mine don't. I take a drug cocktail of anit-histamines to keep from having my entire body covered with them, but have some almost daily somewhere on my body. For me, I have been on different combinations of anti-histamines over the course of 7 years that work for a while and then stop. No one knows why the ones I am on are working now, how much longer they will work or whether they will stop working. The combination of the two you are taking are obviously not managing the hives well if you are getting them back the very next day. But, you don't say whether they are returning if you don't continue the medication. I will certainly have a complete meltdown if I so much as miss a dose of any of my medications and will be covered head to foot."

Allen13 replied: "Ever CONSIDER the SYNTHETICS you WEAR&SMEAR ALL OVER YOURSELF EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE? Synthetics is the leading cause of DERMATITIS period! It's in everthing from the insides of your shoes to every clothing item available in your department stores.Then the SOAPS even the FRAGRANCE FREE IS NOT THE SOLUTION BECAUSE THESE STILL HAVE CHEMICALS IN THEM and if its a particular CHEMICAL, such as CHLORINE this is public water. Over the counter MEDS just the same, main ingredients are CHEMICALS man-made and we are growing more and more sensitive to them.My eldest child is 15 & she suffers from hive attacks. Doctors haven't a clue why or from what.So,I have changed her sheets 2 100% Cotton and placed a plastic cover over the mattress until it can be replaced. Though getting her away from the chemicals is another issue because like so many others she loves her fragrances and products,so we wait for another breakout to determine if it was just the bed... BEDS get MANIFESTED w/ DUSTMITES and simple vaccuming will not remove this,if you cannot replace your mattress you should consider a plastic cover and replace synthetic sheets with 100% COTTON as much as possible,reduce your Chemicals on skin and see if this doesn't change things for you.Start w/ the plastic cover and sheets.If you notice them after sleeping this is likely where they are triggered...Your bed! Your pillows will need to be disinfected as well because they will carry Dustmites too and they will transfer from pillow back to your sheets. The cotton is best because your skin can breathe and isn't loaded w/any synthetic materials. If you think you have no prob w/chemicals then continue the synthetic use and you'll know eventually what makes a difference because the hives will continue to return."

Anyone Else Experience Hives After Vasectomy? My husband had a vasectomy in July. Within a month he started experiencing hives all over his body daily and fatigue and joint pain. Doctor (Dermotologist) tested him to rule out autoimmune disorders such as lupus. Doc said sometimes (very rarely) vasectomy can cause this reaction and we can only wait for his immune system to acclimate and that it can take up to 3 years... anyone else ever experience this??? Doc has him on Singulair, Claritain and Zantac daily and they don't suppress smmptoms any longer, should we seek a second opinion?

mr.answerman replied: "It sounds like your husband is having some immune reaction to the procedure. It turns out that there is a sperm/blood barier to prevent the bodys immune system from attacking sperm and this may be the connection to the procedure and an immune attack. The doctor may be correct that in time his body may adjust, if not have it reversed if possible. Remember this is not a natural state for his body, and it may just be rejecting it."

OutsideTheBox replied: "I’m no doctor, but I researched vasectomies before I got mine. Once in a while, the doctor makes an error after cutting the sperm ducts. The doctor likely didn’t close up one of the two sperm ducts very well. The sperm spilled out into his body. Anyway, his body is allergic to his own sperm. Being that the duct didn’t properly close, they will continue to enter his blood or even his sack until the duct closes. The problem will eventually go away. Print out this explanation and take it to a different doctor."

Medication for Hives NOT HELPING? I've had hives for about 5 days now, and last night I went to the ER. The doctors told me to take Prednisone (sp?), Prilosec or Zantac (H-2 Blocker), and Benadryl (H-1 Blocker). I started taking them last night, and my hives have gotten WORSE. They're horribly painful as well, and I have no idea what the cause of them is. Anyone with any suggestions on what to do for both the hives themselves (they're on my face as well as the rest of my body, front and back), and if there's anything I can take for the pain that's not going to react with all the other medications, please tell me! At this point I'm pretty sick of them and none of the doctors will call me back. Thanks. :( I have been using baking soda, cool baths, etc. There is nothing that I've changed that would seem to bring on these changes. (No new soap, deodortant, etc.) I also haven't eaten anything new that I wasn't sure if I was allergic to or not. I'm going to call my doctor when I get home and ask to be referred to an Allergenist or specialist. Thanks,

red_minis_with_white_stripes replied: "my sister has hives!"

ktray1275 replied: "go to the ER"

Exoilfeildtrash replied: "hydrocortisone creams cool aveno baths good luck be careful thats a bad sign.No hot soaks as this aggrivates hives."

imasis2 replied: "I'd go back to the ER. It sounds pretty serious. It could be you are re-exposing yourself to the same allergen, or it could be some other autoimmune problem. Maybe they should increase the prednisone? I'd go back to the ER, now, especially since it is getting worse. If your throat or tongue are swelling or you feel dizzy or nauseated, call 911. It doesn't have to be something new- you can develop allergies to somthing you have had many times. I ended up with a peanut allergy just out of the blue."

George23 replied: "o.k.,why dont you try herbs"

Linzie0901 replied: "I hate to state the obvious, but you are clearly allergic to something in one of those medications. Did any of those doctors look at a medical history of you? Do you have any history of allergies? Do you remember the events before your hives breakout? Was it something you ate? New detergent? Once you figure out what is causing the hives, you may be able to fix the problem on your own. It is possible that you are allergic to something you never knew you were allergic to, and you keep repeating the same activity every day."

sabylady replied: "ok, try some home remedies. draw a hot bath poor some oatmeal in the tub and sit and soak. always works for me. other one is take a gallon of milk and pour in the tub, fill the tub with hot water and soak. avaid using lotions that have perfums in them or stingy products. this will irritate your skin worse. gl"

Garnet replied: "Get to your Dr. FAST.Years ago I didn't know I was allergic to grapefruit. I broke out with hives on top of hives. I went to the Dr. and he gave me a very strong anti-histamine. It took 6 weeks for the hives to go away. I was a mess. I don't know how much this will help but warm water and baking soda is a natural itch remover. So is Witch Hazel. You definitely need to be seen to. Don't take no for an answer!! : }"

Agus replied: "if not allergic to honey products, try a mixture of honey and propolis locally as well as orally. it will sooth you and taking it orally ( aprox. 1 spoon 3x a day ) will help treat the allergy from the inside out. Hope you get well soon."

formerly_bob replied: "When hives are not associated with an apparent allergy, and the hives are unresponsive to the medications you have listed, the cause is likely to be autoimmune or unknown. With cases like yours, the cause is unknown about 50-60% of the time, and finding the right treatment is trial and error if the first-line treatment fails. Since you have had a negative response to the first-line medication, and 5 days have passed, the usual course of action is to discontinue the present medication (which involves a gradual withdrawal from the prednisone) and begin drugs targeted at suppressing the immune system and inflammatory response. Do not stop the medication on your own - make another doc appointment, maybe with a rheumatologist. Your condition may clear up on its own, or it may take a while before you get some relief. There is probably not much you can do to alleviate the symptoms, and you have to be careful not to make things worse by irritating your skin with skin care products, or cold or hot water. You can search for more information with the terms 'urticaria' and 'idiopathic'"

Mina replied: "I asked a relatively similar question not too long ago. I have had (what a believe to be) a drug allergy to an antibiotic. I quit taking this pill over a month ago, and I still have hives. There are so many reasons hives occur, it's almost impossible to find out why. Mine were getting pretty bad, I couldn't even sleep next to my boyfriend because I scratched myself so hard in the night it kept him awake. I finally went to an allergist, who told me she wasn't fully convinced it was my antibiotic that caused it, but sometimes people do have reactions that last up to 6 weeks. But yes, she did say it could have been the antibiotic that triggered it, and my stress in this situation is keeping them around. STRESS can play a huge roll, especially if you have naturally sensitive skin. Unfortunately for me she couldn't test me until my skin reaction was as she put it "in a more calm state." So that's what I am trying to achieve, I did cool compressions on my arms (my most itchiest spots) and used Cortizone creams anywhere I felt even the smallest itching sensation. My doctor prescribed a more power antihistamin for me to use when I go to sleep so that I don't scratch in the night. All in all my hives are still itchy, and if I scratch them they appear more. However, they are healing because I am controlling my reaction. My best advice is to relax and control your hives. ALSO...the #1 reason to go to an ER when it involves allergies is if your head feels swollen or you sense wheezing or trouble breathing."

chronic hives? I have a 11 year old daughter whom as had chronic hives now for 2 1/2 years. We have been to three Dr's & have had ever lab work done that they could think of. She takes 10mg of Zrytec everyday & also Zantac. It was working for awhile but, now it seems to only work sometimes. I am lost & not sure what else to do. Does anyone have any answers?? She is just miserable & her lip gets big alot. She is always itchy & it is hard for her when she goes to school because the kids are always asking her "What is that all over you body" I feel so sad & helpless!! Does anyone know of a good Dr to see for this. I have seen an Immunology Dr. in Stanford but, maybe there is someone else out there can help!! Any suggestions would help! Thank You

constancepie11 replied: "Maybe it's stress that is causing them!"

Audrey replied: "Have you ruled out temperature allergies, like being allergic to hot or cold? My brother is allergic to the cold and breaks out in bad hives all over his body for hours after being exposed to cold weather, water, or food. This is all I can think of at the moment...Sounds really terrible, poor little girl. :( I really hope you all find out what is wrong and find a way to treat her!"

Rockford replied: "Have you tried Doxepin? It is the one of the best medicines to treat stubborn chronic hives. It has a side effects though so I sent you the link. It's is an antidepressant, but is used off-label by many people to treat hives and angioedema when medicines like benadryl do not work. "

freedom replied: "Xango juice best for allergies, i have allergy for almost 1 year and 10 months. The doctor told me to go an examinations for thyroid, intestines, ultra sound but still no cure. He even prescribed me 180 mg of allegra to take it everyday. But Xango juice only takes me a week, then its gone im totally cured.Best for all ages young and adult , senior even for pregnant women and infant. Visit this site: they sell Xango there"

jason of argonant replied: "sry not able to answer this except offer a small bit of advice if you know of anyone that sells aloe vera then ask them to suggest a specialist for you to go to i do know that aloe is great for most kinds of rashes so it might be worth going on line look into forever living products.com who supply most of the aloe"

Anon2u replied: "My heart aches for your little girl. I have had them since June 1st. My best information has come from and there is a yahoo mailing list to join there. Join it, it has tons of info. I take many more things than your child, but I am an adult and can handle more I'm sure. This was recently posted as the EXPERT in it, I'm not sure where you live if you can go here: Here is the name and phone number of one of the leading experts on Chronic Urticaria. A number of our members have consulted with Dr. Kaplan including me. You can go to Pubmed and type in Kaplan, A.P. and see how much research he is doing/done. Kaplan, Allen P, MD - Allergy Asthma & Urticaria 1879 Savage Rd Charleston, SC 29407-4726 (843) 577-3342"

Ca replied: "I can't blame you for feeling helpless. I spent 3 years of my life suffering with chronic urticaria and just thinking about that time in my life gets me upset. Imagining your daughter makes me cry for both of you. I know how she feels, the itching, burning and loss of control...not being able to sleep, clothes being too uncomfortable to wear. To think she's 11 and that on top of the physical pain, she has to deal with those kids making fun of her. Its awful. But.... Mine are gone. I believe your daughter's will go away too. You both have to believe it. Otherwise, you will go nuts. In the meantime, here are some things that helped me. 1)Dr. Nicholas Soter Dept. of Dermatology NYU Hospital in Manhattan specializes in allergic dermatology He is one of the leading experts and this is his primary interest. Be forewarned, though, He doesn't have the greatest bedside manner, but he said the one thing I was able to hold onto, "One day these are going to go away just as suddenly as they first appeared." It came true. After 3 agonizing years they just disappeared. Once in awhile I get 2 or 3 hives but they go away by the next day. (I do panic a little though). He put me on a combination of antihistamines that seemed to reduce the symptoms, but a ton more than your daughter. I also needed steroids on occasion, but I don't know how that would be for a child. 2)Ice packs - very low tech, I know, but I got 7 of the biggest gels ice packs I could find and I covered my body with them when I had to. It reduced the burning, itching and kept new hives from forming 3)self-hypnosis - I used this to help calm myself, as everyone thought there might be a stress component to my hives. (I only credit this partially) I'm sure there was something auto-immune going on. It also helped me to visualize them going away. It gave me a sense of control 4)Thyroid testing - They discovered I had Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. It co-occurs very frequently with chronic urticaria. Please have your daughter's thyroid checked. 5)Support from my friends and family. Not only do they distract you from the misery but they realize how seriously this is affecting you. I don't know how many well meaning people said, "Its just hives" or after 3 years of hearing about it, flat out told me"Let's not talk about that anymore". As if I could think of anything else. At least she has a mother who is not minimizing her pain. She is lucky for that. 6)Sometimes a topical anesthetic like Lanacaine would help temporarily and there is a lotion that I can't think of the name of that had an anti-itch ingredient 7)I carried an epi-pen just in case. You never know if one day she will get hives internally that will obstruct her breathing. Please ask for a prescription for two of them and make sure she always has one with her and knows how to use it. 8)It really will end. I always knew it would. I know it will for your daughter too. I hope this helps in some small way and I'll keep you in my thoughts."

How do i? (GET RID OF THE HIVES)? How do i get rid of the Hives? last january i had the same thing, the HIVES, it started with a fever, and then it led to hotness, then it led to addmitting me to the hospital, now August 2008, i still have them, but this started in July 2008, i dont understand, y? Durning July, the doctor prescirbed for me to use, Benadryl, Prednisone, Hydroxyzine. and Zantac, of course they thought it would have been becuz of my allergies, problem is, i dont kno what my allergies are, no one does, becuz i never had a allergie test, to see what my allergies are. The Childrens Hospital is really pissing, my mom off becuz they want to do a skin test, but they keep rescheduleing it. so my mom made a appointment for me at another place in my area. Anyway, i start school next tuesday, and i want to wear shorts but the hives are all over my legs, i dont want people to kno i broke out again, (becuz last year in january they all knew about it, my class) so i tried to look up a way for me to get rid of the hives, but nothin is working, becuz we would have to buy it to know how to. So can any smart people out there help me. I kno they cant go away on my time, but everyday i have to suffer from the itchy-ness. so can anyone help me and tell me how to make them start to go down? I kno it might be a allergic reaction, but problem is, we dont know what my ALLERGIES, are! so someone plz tell me how to get rid of the HIVES! (The Hives are Itchy Red bumps, that can cause swelling in the feet hands, face, anything, if u have sentitive skin, well i am not sure if u need to have sentitive skin, but that's what i kno. So help!!)

BURTON replied: "smoke weed everyday"

orangewaffle88 replied: "To get rid of The Hives....turn your radio off."

Paul replied: "CLARITON. My hives disappeared in an hour."

vaniahpai replied: "My sister takes Benedryl. It seems to work for her."

Deal or no Deal? replied: "go to a phramcy they are bound to have something"

luvagypsy replied: "why i agree smoking bud may help calm the itching i always get my doc to give me a cortizone shot"

Misty N replied: "my brother has severe hives. and he takes ATARAX medicine. and that has been the ONLY thing that has worked for him. good luck =] answer mine"

darkness_says_hi replied: "most over the counter antihistimines(allergy tablets or creams ) will help prition or clariton are gd"

PREGERS3 replied: "I had the exact same thing happen to me at age 10..i would wake up in the middle of the night itchy, red and it looked like my whole body had gotten burned. it last for about a year, the docs called it Ideopathic Annafalaxis (spelling is probley wrong) i had an epipen in case of breathing problems. it suddenly went away and i think that it had something to do wit dramatic situations goin on in my life. take benadryl and a cold bath to help the hives!"

? replied: "wow, i feel for you, I have a small area that breaks out and the only thing that stops the itching is when I mix baking soda and water to a liquid glue like consistency and dab it on with cottonballs. the itching stops immediately. benadryl doesn't help me either. hope you get it figured out."

babytabbies replied: "Sorry, but I don't know. Good luck. Oh, and to the first answer... NO! SMOKING WEED IS LIKE THROWING YOUR LIFE DOWN THE DRAIN!!!"

mamaw3t replied: "Hives are caused by something you ingested (something you ate) or medication such as penicillin. In the past month have you eaten something that you don't normally eat? How about strawberries? A lot of people are allergic to those. I broke out in hives because of penicillin allergy and the doctor gave me a shot of cortisone. They were gone the next day. Take a tepid bath and maybe put some Epsom salts in. Try not to get overheated. My aunt gets hives when she gets overheated or is in the sun too much. Good luck!"

bogey replied: "try rubbing hand soap and a little water on the hives and let it dry dont rinse it off claritin works wonders for me you need to find out what you are allergic tooo im severely allergic to cats and certian foods breaks me out strawberries chocolate try to experiment which foods you are eating or what in your environment makes you break out do you have hives all the time?? whats different when you dont have hives im also allergic to corn so anything with corn oil in it i cant eat and you would be surprised how many things you buy at the store that has corn oil in it"

Please tell me your experience with chronic hives? I've had hives for four weeks now, and let's face it, will probably have them for a lot longer. I'm just distraught. I don't know how to live with such an ugly rash covering my skin. It's terribly itchy too. I saw an Allergist who thinks it is Idiopathic, though he is checking into some bloodwork to rule everything else out. He is recommending Zantac, and Zyrtec, both twice a day to see if it will relieve the hives. Can anyone help me out? How long did yours last, if they went past six weeks? What did you take? What was the cause? Thanks!

spongebobrogers replied: "It will last as long as the cause is present. Many people have hives for months until they figure out what they are allergic to: dogs, cats, carpet in your house, mold, milk, eggs, peanuts, face creams, makeup, condoms/latex, etc. There are tons of possibilities. Unless he has tested you for everything, it probably is NOT idiopathic. Did you have allergy testing done on your arm? Many times taking benadryl or a similar allergy med will head some of this off."

Mardrae replied: "I had the same thing happen to me. I went to 2 different doctors, who gave me different creams-it did nothing. They each said it was dermatitis, and the other one said eczema. I finally went to the emergency room, and they thought I had a staph infection. They gave me huge doses of antibiotics and more creams. It did nothing. I was miserable, and the rash was so bad on my arms that my managers at work made me wear long sleeves! Ends up that I am allergic to wheat! A couple of weeks after I went to the hospital, I tried stopping the wheat juice I was doing, and the rash was gone the next day! Every time I eat something with wheat in it, I start itching again!"

Baby hives after 1 week of rice cereal. Allergy? Eczema? My 2 month old was spitting up a lot so he was diagnosed with acid reflux. The Doctor told me to add rice cereal to formula (plus prescribed zantac). He's been taking formula w/ rice cereal for 1 1/2 weeks. This week he's developed a rash, hives all over body, puffy eye. Does not seem to itch. What can it be? okay I'm taking him to doc tomorrow, just wondering if anyone knew what it might be...

brandonandkarine replied: "take him to your doctor immediatly. it is an allergic reaction could be very harmful"

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